Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

HTML Document EMWIS Flash 166 May - June 2023

Released 18/07/2023

EMWIS Flash Nov


EMWIS Flash May - June 2023
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector
For further information: & check our page at facebook
Flash produced by the EMWIS Technical Unit- OIEAU, DG Agua, SOGESID
Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform
Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water 
Supromed / PAWA / NWRM / CRONUSSustain-COAST / SWOS / AGREEMED/ HYDROUSA/ Med Greenhouses/ OURMED / SAFERS/ Mediterranean sustainable cities


In this issue N°166 (
1- UfM 13th Meeting of the Water Expert Group (WEG13)- Rabat - June 2023

In Brief

2- International Workshop on Non-Conventional Water Resources and Associated Renewable Energies  in Morocco

3- 3rd International Conference on Water and Climate: Basin management, key to adaptation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

4- SIDA & UfM Matchmaker II Project inauguration: integrated WEFE Nexus solutions to benefit 6 farms in Jordan and Palestine

5- EURO-RIOB 2023: October 16th 2023 - October 19th 2023 - Valencia, Spain 

6- The Summit for a "New Global Financial Deal", 23 June 2023 in Paris, France

7- MEDWAYCAP Final Conference - 10 July 2023 - Barcelona
8- Workshop to prepare the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum- February 2024 in Tunis

9- The Union for the Mediterranean and Plan Bleu join forces at MEDCOP Climate 2023 in Tangier

10- Regional workshop “facilitating the financing of water and environmental resilience in EaP countries” and associated site visits of EU best practice for nature-based solutions (28-29 June)

11- EdiCitNet: Edible Cities Network Final Conference

12- Sustain-COAST sheds light on the results of its demo-sites 

13- SAFERS at the RISE-SD2023 in Greece

14- HYDROUSA organized the Water Innovation and Circularity Conference

15- OurMED: Kick-off meeting in Tunisia 12-14 June 2023

16- NEXUSNET: 1st Training School – Watch our video!

17- AgreeMED: Innovative Aquifers Governance for Resilient Water Management and Sustainable Ecosystems workshop in Agadir
18- CRONUS: Capture and Reuse Of biogenic gases for Negative-emission - sustainable biofUelS

19- Western Mediterranean faces low river flows and crop yields earlier than ever

20- Egypt: an alliance with Japan for water management in the face of climate change

21- Morocco: ICARDA and the kingdom of Morocco– celebrating a decade of the rainfed research platform

22- Tunisia: 113M euros from the World Bank for wastewater management via PPPs

23- Algeria: The government announces measures to address water scarcity

24- Jordan: Estimated 1.6 million People  to Benefit from New Project to Tackle Jordan’s Water Crisis and Build Climate Resilience

25- Malta: WestMED Conference 2023 – More than 100 stakeholders gather to discuss Blue Economy developments and opportunities

26- Italy tables ‘drought’ decree to address severe water crisis









1- The UfM 13th Water Expert Group (WEG13) meeting took place on 7 and 8 June 2023 in a hybrid format at the General Directorate of Hydraulics  of the Ministry of Equipment and Water to review progress at national level in the implementation of the UfM Water Agenda, including the UfM Financial Strategy for Water, since the 12th meeting of the Water Expert Group took place in May 2022 in Amman, Jordan. The meeting was co-chaired by the UfM Co-Presidency Jordan and the European Union (DG Near and DG Environment) and organized in partnership with the Kingdom of Morocco. The meeting brought together the UfM member states and partners. The meeting also examined the outcomes of the UNFCCC COP 27 and the UN 2023 Water Conference held March in 2023. Furthermore, the meeting reflected on the necessity of establishing another UfM meeting of the Ministers in charge of water to review progress since the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Water (May 2017, Malta) and to create a momentum on the water agenda’s implementation. In that sense, it was agreed that the UfM would start a process of consultation with member states towards drafting a new declaration on water. Such preparation process will include the drafting of a Roadmap by the UfM that will collect member states’ contributions, which will be presented to the UfM Senior Officials by the end of 2023. UfM member states agreed on the necessity of adopting the non-conventional water resources as an effective alternative for addressing water scarcity, adapting to climate change, protecting the environment, promoting sustainable development, and ensuring a reliable water supply for the future. Furthermore, they highlighted that the use of non-conventional water resources will improve the transition towards a more sustainable circular economy model. In line with this discussion, the Directorate General of water of Spain asked the UfM to help with the implementation of IDRA, the International Drought Resilience Alliance, an initiative of Senegal and Spain launched at the latest UN Climate Conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. The UfM Water and Youth Engagement Strategy was presented during the meeting for the water expert group who stated that involving youth in the water sector and decision making is important because it harnesses their potential, encourages their active participation in society, and contributes to a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future. In order to operationalize the Strategy and deploy its 9 programmes, building partnerships with other organisations will be key. A session was dictated to the different regional initiatives and projects to present and share their experiences to further support the implementation of the UfM Water Strategy, this includes; the EU WES Project, the SIDA/UfM MENA Water Matchmaker 2 Project , the PRIMA WEFE4MED Project and  the water digitalization by SEMIDE. Further information on EMWIS website


IN BRIEF (Full news)

2- The international Workshop on Non-Conventional Water Resources and Associated Renewable Energies organised in Rabat on 23 June 2023 aimed to present the feasibility study results for the establishment of an International Observatory on this topic. The study revealed that the situations each country will face in terms of water and energy resources by 2040 are relatively diverse. Indeed, countries in the Sahel region and the Mediterranean basin are aiming for a renewable energy consumption of up to 30 or 40% in total. This compels them to double or even multiply their renewable energy share by 10. However, in the Sahel countries, where the current share of renewable energy is higher, it risks decreasing as their consumption develops. Speaking on this occasion, Abderrahim El Hafidi, the Director General of ONEE, emphasized that the lack of visibility for the planning of surface and groundwater, largely due to the impact of climate change, requires the mobilization of new water resources. This can be achieved "through the use of innovative technologies developed in the field, particularly in desalination, water demineralization, and wastewater treatment. It is also important to leverage the progress made by the Kingdom in the field of renewable energies to make these non-conventional resources more financially competitive." Alain Meyssonnier, the President of IME, stated that the focus of the Institute lies in the utilization of this vital resource in areas such as agriculture and industry, by offering appropriate services to enhance water use in a region facing water stress." He added, "This is a global and particularly Mediterranean issue, an area that suffers greatly from this problem." Furthermore, in December 2022, King Mohammed VI presided over the ceremony for the presentation of the new green investment program of the OCP Group (2023-2027). In this regard, the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) is implementing a strategy based on "consumption optimization, including reducing the Group's water consumption by nearly 15% by 2024. Further information on EMWIS website

3- This year, at the invitation of the Moroccan authorities and in partnership with the Ministry of Equipment and Water of the Kingdom of Morocco, the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) and the World Water Council (WWC), the 3rd International Conference on Water and Climate (ICWC 3) was  held on 6 and 7 July 2023 in Fez, Morocco.  With the main theme "Basin management, key to adaptation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals", this 3rd edition of the ICWC will ensure the link between the United Nations Conference on Water (22-24 March 2023) and the COP28 on climate (30 Nov. - 12 December).  Further information on EMWIS website

4- Sweden, the Union for the Mediterranean and the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean, on Monday, 8 May 2023, inaugurated integrated technical solutions for sustainable agriculture in Salt Governorate, Jordan. The Matchmaker II project solutions, implemented by GWP-Med, involve reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation, after its tertiary treatment through constructed wetlands, with pumping powered by renewable solar energy, for climate-resilient agriculture. Further information on EMWIS website

5- The Euro-INBO 2023 conference will take place in Valencia (SP) 17-19 October 2023. It will mark the 20th anniversary edition of the Europe-INBO International Conferences for the Implementation of the European Union water related directives. The programme is organised around 5 sessions: 1) Water and agriculture: management of diffuse pollution; 2) New challenges for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in relation with other European water directives; 3) Adaptation to climate change: integrating reuse to cope with droughts and water scarcity; 4) The role of the different stakeholders in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive; 5) Transboundary and international cooperation. In addition two workshops will also be held, one on innovative water governance to face water scarcity co-organised by the Horizon Europe water governance projects cluster (InnWater, GovAqua and RETOUCH Nexus). The 2nd workshop will be dedicated to River management in a climate change context: challenges and opportunities. Registration and preliminary programme are available here (follow the registration link)

6-The world today faces a number of vulnerabilities. They range from climate change, which manifests itself in drought, floods, cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons, to the Covid-19 pandemic and wars, including the one that has been raging between Russia and Ukraine since 2022. Innovative sources of funding are therefore becoming necessary to meet ever-growing needs. The Summit for a "New Global Financial Deal", which came to a close on 23 June 2023 in Paris, France, enabled leaders from around the world to suggest innovations in terms of instruments and financing, including reducing the interest rate on debt, increasing the paid-in capital of banks and reforming the system of financial institutions. Further information on EMWIS website 

7- The The MEDiterranean pathWAY for innovation CAPitalisation toward an urban-rural integrated development of non-conventional water resources (MEDWAYCAP) project is the capitalisation project on water co-financed by the  ENI-CBC Med programme (becoming Interreg Next Med). MEDWAYCAP project worked on fostering the integration of Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) into the water governance system and related business opportunities in the context of the circular economy. The transfer of innovation and outputs resulting from cross-border collaboration among local and regional authorities and potential financial organizations will encourage the enforcement of several regulations and legal provisions governing the NCW use and, more important, creating the bases for a deep discussion on a better water governance leading to actual improvements. The final MEDWAYCAP conference, held in Barcelona 10-11 July, provided a platform for the presentation of new technologies by the private sector, and for the sharing of best practices and experiences in the field of water management. SEMIDE participated at the roundtable on Upscaling Projects´ Synergies for better Impacting Funding & Policies  in the MED area, highlighting the need to develop business cases on the application of such technologies, as it was done in the HYDROUSA project to create more economic, social and environmental value from NCW. Further information on EMWIS website

8- The Mediterranean Water Institute (IME), the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMs) with their partners are organizing the kick-off meeting of the 5th edition of the Mediterranean Water Forum on 18 October2023 in Valencia, Spain. The Kick-off is the place to decide on the different sessions of the Forum and the selection of the presentations for each session. The general idea is to give the floor to the largest number of Mediterranean countries and organizations to express themselves during the Forum. The 5th MWF Tunis 2024 will be co-organized by Tunisian Government – IME and UfM. It will take place in the Cité de la Culture. The main topic of the forum is : “For a new culture of Water” which corresponds to the necessity to have a new vision of the Water uses in the different sectors of world economy (Agriculture, Industry, Urban, Rural, Tourism and Nature). That also includes the indispensable alliance with other main Commons: Food, Health, Energy, Education and Biodiversity, the five fingers alliance with the palm of the hand: “Water”. The main theme of the 10th World Water Forum, to be held from 18 to 24 May 2024 in Bali, Indonesia, will be “Water for Shared Prosperity” with six main themes as follow: i) Water Security and Prosperity; ii)Water for Humans and Nature; iii) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; iv) Cooperation and Hydro-diplomacy; v) Water Finance; vi) Knowledge and Innovation. Discussions will be likely focused on identifying effective responses to ensure water security. This theme is of crucial importance for the Mediterranean where demographic trends, socio-economic challenges and the effects of climate change have a major impact on water management. However, to ensure its sustainable development, the Mediterranean has always been able to manage and transform the challenges brought by water scarcity into opportunities. The Mediterranean process will be all about providing perspectives on water based on local needs and identifying best practices and technologies developed to present them as answers to the challenges of water security in the region. Further information on EMWIS website

9- The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Plan Bleu/RAC (UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan) co-organized Hub 3 on the Sustainable Management of Water Resources”, in the framework of the MEDCOP Climate in Tangier, Morocco. The HUB3 was inaugurated by the Vice president of Tangier-Tetouan-Alhoceima region, HE Rafik Belkorchi, Deputy Secretary General of the UFM Almotaz Abadi and Ahmed Bouari, Director at the Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries.  The first session focused on the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus and Integrated Coastal Zone Management and was contributed by speeches from many actors including the Coordinator of the GEF MedProgramme at UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan, Plan Bleu, Spain-Region Catalonia, GWP-med and Youth representative. The session sought to set a new ambition for local authorities and communities to manage water resources and ensure food security. More specifically, it took stock of local initiatives associated with the WEFE Nexus and ICZM, highlighting innovative proposals to promote collaborative governance that engages local stakeholders from different sectors and promotes cooperation and coordination in decision-making at the level of the territories. The second session of the ‘Hub3’ aimed at sharing and bringing innovative ideas to build territorial resilience and consolidate a resilient and vibrant local blue economy in all Mediterranean territories. All in all, the Hub on Sustainable Water Management was able to provide concrete recommendations on how to better support local governments through more integrated approaches and adapted financial models, while informing their work with reinforced Science-Policy Interfaces, in order to ground decision-making and policies in scientific results and approaches. The HUB3 took place in the framework of the MedCOP, where the UfM also hosted its 3rd UfM Energy and Climate Business Forum, gathering government representatives, experts, financial institutions, civil society, and private sector representatives, including young and women entrepreneurs, to explore strategies for accelerating the energy transition in the Mediterranean region.  Further information on EMWIS website

10-  Under the lead of OECD, the EU4Environment Water & Data Programme organised in Vienna on 28 and 29 June 2023 a Regional Workshop on Facilitating the financing of water and environmental resilience in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries, followed by sites visits on Nature-based Solutions in action around Vienna. Held back-to-back with the Second Regional Action Group Meeting, which monitored progress on programme implementation, the workshop provided a space for dialogue on finance for building water and environmental resilience, with participation from national governments of the EaP countries, civil society representatives, EU Member States active in the EaP region, the European Commission and International Financial Institutions. The meeting documents, including all presentations, can be found on the meeting webpage.

11- EdiCitNet final workshop will be held on September 4th- 5th in Berlin. The workshop will be open to the public. The first day will be  at the Humboldt Forum (Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin), while the  second day "Visit of the St. Jacobi Cemetery" will be at (Hermannstraße 99-105, 12051 Berlin). During the workshop you will learn from: Stories from the EdiCitNet Cities – Successes and Challenges/  City Science Initiative success stories/ Panel Discussion: The EdiCitNet Platform and Network/  Panel Discussion: EdiCitNet and its socio-economic vision/ The EdiCitNet Platform and Network: Strategies to make it future proof and to ensure expansion/ Guided tour of the New St. Jacobi Cemetery/ EdiCitNet Education: Strategies for successful dissemination/ EdiCitNet 2.0: Where do we go from here? You can register to particpate at the event here

12- The Sustain-Coast project (PRIMA), that aimed at promoting sustainable coastal groundwater  management, recently released the results for each of its four demosites. These findings, conveniently presented in a concise factsheet format, provide valuable insights into the various aspects of each demosite. The factsheets cover essential information such as demosite descriptions, stakeholders mapping, specific problems, water governance systems, Groundwater Vulnerability Index values, variability of groundwater, cost-benefit analysis, and climate change scenarios.  The project website now features factsheets for its four demosites: Arobea, Erdemli, Malia, and Wadi el Bey. Each factsheet contains comprehensive details to facilitate a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with these locations. For interested individuals, the factsheets for Arobea, Erdemli, Malia, and Wadi el Bey can be found on the project's official website. They offer a comprehensive overview of each demosite's situation and serve as valuable resources for researchers, stakeholders, and individuals interested in sustainable groundwater management.

13- SAFERS supported and participated in the workshop on “Wildfire Management Innovation and Policies” during the the RISE-SD2023 event on May 30th, 2023. The workshop was organized by FIRELOGUE and FIREURISK European R&D projects. The European Research Executive Agency and DG ECHO were also involved, along with the support and participation from SILVANUS and TREEADS projects. SAFERS coordinator, Claudio Rossi (Program Manager at LINKS Foundation), was among the panelists of two sessions regarding the “Holistic approach and integrated management of landscape wildfires” and “Science and Technology Contribution to improving wildfire management operations”. An oral presentation entitled “SAFERS: Structured Approaches for Forest fire Emergencies in Resilient Societies” was also conducted during the parallel sessions of the RISE-SD2023 event by Edoardo Arnaudo, Senior Researcher at LINKS Foundation and a member of SAFERS team. During the presentation, he explained all the tools and functionalities of SAFERS platform. Further information on SAFERS website

14- The Water Innovation and Circularity Conference (WICC) supported by the project of HYDROUSA took place in Athens, Greece from 7 to 9 June 2023. The WICC brought together more that 200 participants (researchers, engineers, water practitioners from academia, industry, water utilities, public authorities and administration) to exchange know-how and experiences while disseminating on innovative systems, technologies and processes which can be applied for the management of water and wastewater. During this event, the SEMIDE presented a paper entitled “Socio-economic and regulatory feasibility of HYDROUSA solutions: Outcomes from the replication sites in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions”. Further information on Hydrousa website

15- The OurMED (PRIMA project on transforming Med Water Management) Kickoff Meeting, held from the 12th to the 14th of June 2023 in Tunisia, was a significant event that brought together key stakeholders in the field of water innovation. The first day of the meeting commenced with ice-breaking activities and social gatherings, fostering a sense of camaraderie and networking among participants.  On the second day, the meeting kicked off with an opening ceremony attended by esteemed guests, including project partners, PRIMA officer, Essam Heggy from USC and NASA (USA), the General Director of ESIM, and the President of the University of Jendouba. The agenda included a visit to the ESIM Farm, where discussions centered around the impact of water deficit on tomato yield under different irrigation techniques. Additionally, a visit to the Slouguia monitoring station and the Medjerda river basin, part of the Tunisian demo site, took place. During these visits, the feasibility of updating the gauging station under the OurMED project with a high-resolution water quality monitoring station was discussed among project partners. The group also had the opportunity to visit the Sidi Salem Dam, which highlighted its role in preserving the biodiversity of the region. The third day of the OurMED Kickoff Meeting focused on the technical aspects of the project. Partners engaged in fruitful discussions about project activities and future plans, aiming to align their efforts and maximize the impact of the initiative. In the afternoon, the group embarked on a visit to the Ghar El Meleh Gattaya system of irrigation, further exploring innovative techniques and solutions in the field of water management. Overall, the OurMED Kickoff Meeting in Tunisia served as a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and exploration of key issues in  sustainable water management. Further information on OurMed website

16- The 1st NEXUSNET International Training School, organized by COST Action CA20138 (NEXUSNET) and ISCTE-University of Lisbon, took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 22-26 May 2023. The school focused on “Nature and People in the Nexus” and the main topics discussed concerned: bringing nature into the nexus, nexus governance and stakeholder engagement, nexus policies, economic valuation of the nexus, nexus innovation and implementation. The Training School was held with great success as eminent trainers and creative trainees participated and worked together towards the advance of the “nexus”. Watch the video to find out about their experiences! 

17- From 30 May to 1st June an AGREEMed project workshop was held in La Cité d’Innovation Souss Massa in Morocco. AGREEMed is funded by the PRIMA program and coordinated by the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. The workshop began with a presentation of the project’s progress to date, followed by a workshop on “Water resources governance: the case of the Souss-Massa aquifer agreement”. After this first session, two focus groups were held, one on “Typology of different farms in the Chtouka-Massa plain” and the other on “Nature-based solutions as a win-win strategy for adapting to climate change and providing new alternative water sources”. On the second day of the AGREEMed event in Agadir, two workshops were held, one on “Building bridges for effective water governance”, followed by a workshop on “Non-conventional water resources in the Mediterranean”. The second day was concluded with a round table with the Scientific Committee, the PRIMA project officer, the project stakeholders, and the advisory members. 3 technical visits were organized on June 1st. The first trip was to Agadir Water Desalination and Irrigation Plant, The second one was to  INRA Souss Massa and the last one was to the wastewater treatment plant in Agadir. Further information on AGREEMed website

18- The Horizon Europe CRONUS project focuses on technologies for sustainable bio-fuels with negative emissions. The functional prototypes are demonstrated on 5 sites where stakeholder engagement is a must. To support this process dedicated activities are developed on “Communities of Practice (CoPs) and stakeholder engagement in the European biofuels sector” and on “Communication, Engagement and Dissemination”. A report has been prepared on “Community of Practice Roadmap” that sets up the guidelines for stakeholder identification and mapping while establishing CoPs in each case study. It also provides guidelines to identify social values, concerns, and expectations to be integrated in Value Sensitive Design and Quantitative Story Telling. Once approved by the European Commission this report as well as all public deliverables will be available on the project website

19- Between May 2022 and April 2023, temperatures in northern Morocco, Algeria, southern Spain, southern France and northern Italy were up to 2.5°C - sometimes 4°C – higher than average. Long-lasting and intense heatwaves contributed to these records. The conditions in late spring 2023 were worse than those of 2022, when a severe-to-extreme drought developed over Europe affecting water resources, agriculture and energy production. In addition, the European Commission JRC’s indicators point to widespread low river flows caused by the lack of rainfall. Spain is experiencing water shortages, particularly in Andalusia where water reservoirs are at about 25% of their capacity. Most of the western Mediterranean is now under warning and alert conditions (the two most severe levels) according to the combined drought indicator, which integrates data on rainfall, soil moisture and vegetation stress anomalies to map drought hazards. Identifying the drought level in this way plays an important role in helping to manage and monitor water resources in both the short and long term. The lack of water has significantly affected vegetation and crops in the middle of the growing season, leading to delayed sowing and low yield forecasts. Severe vegetation stress (for example failed crops and smaller fruits) was recorded across the Iberian Peninsula (except for northern Portugal), northern Africa, and central-southern France. Yield forecasts in the Maghreb have worsened further and are well below average levels. Crops are likely not to flower in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. In the Iberian Peninsula, drought conditions intensified and yield forecasts are well below 2022 values, with areas sown with summer crops substantially reduced. According to sources cited in the report, cereal production and livestock are the most affected sectors in Portugal. Further information on SEMIDE website

20- At a time when the sensitivity of water to the effects of climate change is forcing Egypt to use this resource sustainably and rationally, the government of the land of the pharaohs is counting on Japan’s support to strengthen its efforts to help its people adapt to climate change, particularly in the face of water stress caused by drought. Egypt’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Hani Sweilam, recently invited the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to support the international Action on Water, Adaptation, and Resilience (AWARe) initiative in Egypt. Launched by the Egyptian government at the 27th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 27) in November 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh, the initiative aims to reduce global water wastage and improve water supply, while supporting the implementation of mutually agreed policies and methods for water-related cooperative adaptation. AWARe also takes into account the importance of protecting freshwater ecosystems and ensuring that economic growth does not have a negative impact on the use of freshwater. Further information on EMWIS website

21- For the last decade, ICARDA, under CGIAR, has collaborated with the Kingdom of Morocco on a pioneering Rainfed Research Platform to promote sustainable and resilient livelihoods for rural communities while conserving precious natural resources.  ICARDA and Morocco's partnership in climate-resilient agriculture research is vital for the country, the region, and dry areas across the world facing climate challenges in agriculture. By developing and deploying scientific solutions that prioritize rural populations' needs through the Rainfed Research Platform, ICARDA, and Morocco are leading the way in transforming food systems for livelihood resilience. Ten years of the ICARDA-Morocco Research Platform will be celebrated on 15 May 2023 at the ICARDA/INRA site in Rabat, Morocco. Further information on EMWIS website 

22- The financing agreement was signed on 2 June 2023 in the Tunisian capital, Tunis. The value of the loan is 113.6 million euros, committed by the World Bank as part of the Support Project for Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the sanitation sector in Tunisia. This initiative aims to improve the quality of effluent management services in the North African country, in particular by developing the capacity of the National Sanitation Office (ONAS) to design, manage, monitor and report on PPP transactions with the private sector. The latest contract of this kind was signed in April 2023 between ONAS and a consortium led by the French group Suez for the management of liquid sanitation in the governorates of Sfax, Gabès, Médenine and Tataouine for a period of 10 years. Further information on EMWIS website

23- The Algerian government unveils its plan to tackle drought and water stress caused by rainfall scarcity. Faced with the lack of rainfall during winter and the first two months of spring, the Algerian Ministries of Water Resources and Agriculture presented, in April, the measures taken to mitigate the already visible impact on agricultural areas. In several regions in the north of the country, particularly in areas known for wheat and cereal production, farmers reported that harvests are severely threatened, and agriculture fields are starting to dry up prematurely. In western localities of the country, the harvesting campaign was initiated as early as April, which is unprecedented. Typically, significant rainfall in Algeria, according to climatologists, is recorded during the months of March and April. However, this year is different, as the country's 80 reservoirs have only been filled on average to 30%. In light of this situation, emergency measures have been adopted in favor of farmers, according to the two ministries. These measures include "the use of supplementary irrigation and drilling of wells with the utilization of water-efficient irrigation systems that can save up to 70% of this water resource and provide better yields." The threat also extends to the drinking water supply for the population. The government is attempting to anticipate the arrival of summer by implementing, according to the Minister of Water Resources, "an emergency program for drinking water supply, including measures to alleviate water stress in the 19 wilayas (provinces) most affected by the rainfall deficit." According to the Algerian government, the program also aims "to ensure water security in the short and medium terms." Further information on EMWIS website

24- The World Bank has approved US$250 million in financing to improve the efficiency of water services in Jordan through the rehabilitation of water distribution networks, improving energy efficiency and strengthening the drought management system in the Kingdom. Jordan is one of the most water-scare countries in the world, and the anticipated outcomes of this Project are significant and wide-reaching. The project will deliver impact for people and the planet by reducing water losses, reducing electricity usage and improving water management systems. An estimated 1.6 million people will benefit from improved water services. Water system management will also be strengthened for farmers and industries, building economic productivity and strengthening the country’s resilience to climate shocks. The approved financing for the new Jordan Water Sector Efficiency Project consists of a US$200 million loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and a US$50 million grant from the Global Concessional Financing Facility (GCFF). Launched in 2016, the GCFF provides concessional financing to middle income countries hosting large numbers of refugees. The Project will target areas with higher refugee populations, providing benefits to both the refugees and the host community. Further information on EMWIS website


25- This year’s WestMED Stakeholder Conference was hosted in Malta on June 22, 2023.  More than 100 stakeholders from around the region, gathered in-person to exchange experiences on a wide variety of blue economy topics and meet fellow experts. National representatives of the Initiative together with senior regional experts and key institutional representatives shared their views, including Aaron Farrugia, Minister for Transport of Malta, Mohamed Ould Abidine Maayif, Mauritanian Minister for Fishery and Maritine Economy, Adriana Salazar from the Union for the Mediterranean and Charlina Vitcheva, EU Director General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) was represented by Katya De Giovanni, Head of the Maltese Delegation to PAM. This year’s edition of the Conference focused on “Boosting the Sustainable Blue Economy” and highlighted the Initiative’s activities on Sustainable Aquaculture, Green Shipping, Ports, Maritime Clusters, Maritime Spatial Planning, Sustainable Tourism, and Ocean Literacy. Project leaders in each of these fields were invited to share their experiences which resulted in lively discussions during 4 break-out thematic sessions where developments and challenges were discussed (see the conference 2023 page for the summary-recordings of these discussions). Further information on EMWIS website

26- Italy has been frequently plagued by drought during the summer months, with last year seeing a “state of calamity” declared in several regions due to the worst drought in 70 years. This year, the situation is expected to worsen as the country has experienced exceptionally low rainfall over the winter. “The goal is to get through the summer because the level of rivers, glaciers and lakes, especially in northern Italy, is dramatic. If we don’t have a rainy spring, it will likely be a very complicated summer,” warned Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini. The decree, presented by Salvini and approved by the Council of Ministers on 6 April, aims to expedite authorisation procedures for water infrastructures. It includes the creation of a task force reporting to Salvini and appointing an extraordinary national commissioner whose mandate will expire at the end of December but may be extended for an additional year. Further information on EMWIS website


27-  The World Water Council is recruiting a senior project officer on thematic initiatives.Interested candidates who meet the selection requirements are requested to send their curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation in English. This letter should explain the candidate’s experience with carrying out the above tasks and his/her fulfilment of the specified qualifications. The candidates need to present the names and contact details of three references, including one recent employer. Applications can only be done through e-mail and should be sent no later than 31 July 2023 to Dr. Valerie Bistagne, Secretary General of the World Water Council E-mail: recruitment(at) Further information on EMWIS website 

28- The International Water Management Institute (IWMI), a CGIAR Research Center, is seeking an innovative and multi-skilled candidate to join as a Policy and Engagement Advisor. This position will be based in Rome & hosted by Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. Further information on EMWIS website 


29- Finding Institutional Solutions to Water Scarcity in MENA:  In its report Economic Aspects of Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa: Institutional Solutions, the World Bank estimates that by the end of this decade, the amount of water available will fall below the absolute threshold of scarcity, set at 500 m3 per person per year. The report states that an additional 25 billion m3 of water will be needed annually to meet the needs of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by 2050. This situation requires rapid responses, including investments in non-conventional water resources such as seawater desalination. At least 65 desalination plants of the size of Ras Al Khair would have to be built. Considered the largest seawater desalination plant in the world, the facility located in Saudi Arabia has a capacity of more than one million m3 per day. Further information on EMWIS website

30- World bank publication: A New Paradigm for Water Storage is an urgent appeal to practitioners at every level, both public and private, and across sectors, to come together to champion integrated water storage solutions—natural, built, and hybrid—to meet a range of human, economic, and environmental needs for the twenty-first century. Closing storage gaps will require a spectrum of economic sectors and stakeholders to develop and drive multi‐sectoral solutions. The proposed integrated water storage planning framework is grounded in sustainable development and climate resilience, with the potential to pay dividends for people, economies, and environments for generations. Further information on EMWIS website

31- Morocco launched a web site dedicated to water information for citizens:  is  a website launched by the Minister in charge of water of Morocco to inform citizen on activities implemented to ensure water supply for all as well as to support participation in water management. The platform was developed following the High Royal Instructions, to highlight the collective commitment of all stakeholders in Morocco. All public and private, national, regional and local actions can be communicated through the platform, allowing the proactive management of Morocco's water. Further information on (only in Arabic)


32- Interreg NEXT ‘Mediterranean Sea Basin’ (hereinafter ‘NEXT MED’) transnational cooperation programme is the third generation of one of the largest cooperation initiatives implemented by the European Union across borders in the Mediterranean area.  Building on the experience and results of the ENPI (2007-2013) and ENI (2014-2020) cross-border cooperation (CBC) Med programmes, NEXT MED will continue boosting Euro-Mediterranean cooperation for the period 2021-2027 under the framework of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy and its specific ‘Interreg’ instrument which supports European Territorial Cooperation across regions and countries. NEXT MED is implemented under strand B ‘Transnational cooperation’ of the external dimension of Interreg, allowing for cooperation over larger transnational territories or around sea basins between EU Member States and Southern Neighbourhood partner countries.  The Programme aims to contribute to smart, sustainable, fair development for all across the Mediterranean basin by supporting balanced, long-lasting, far-reaching cooperation and multilevel governance. The programme mission is to finance cooperation projects that address joint socio-economic, environmental and governance challenges at Mediterranean level such as the uptake of advanced technologies, competitiveness of SMEs and job creation, energy efficiency, sustainable water management, climate change adaptation, transition to a circular and resource efficient economy, education and training, health care, etc. The next call for projects will be lanched in September 2023. Further information on EMWIS website

33- Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Material : The Nexus Regional Dialogues (NRD) Programme, in cooperation with adelphi, created a Nexus Training to inspire the implementation of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus approach worldwide! The training material is comprised of the WEF information, practical knowledge, tools and case studies. The training is divided in 3 Modules: Module I: Introduction to the Water-Energy-Food Security (WEF) Nexus /Module II: Nexus for cross-policy making and WEF Nexus institutionalisation/ Module III: Case Studies: For cross-policy making and related project design and planning. The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Material is available in French- Spanish- Russian and Arabic. Further information on EMWIS website

34- Summer school on Natural Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM) for Sustainable Water Management: OPTAIN project organised this summer school on NSWRM to educate young professionals on the management of small agricultural catchments and on the conditions under which these measures perform most effectively. Further information on Optain website.


35- Call for Abstracts :The 15th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications will take place in Chania, Crete, Greece on June 19-21, 2024. The call for abstracts will be open from 16 October to 2023 to 15 January 2024.geoENV, the Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, shows the state of the art of geostatistics in environmental applications with new cases, results and relevant discussions from leading researchers and practitioners around the world. Novel and outstanding theoretical and practical developments of geostatistics in the environmental field have been compiled from three main areas: that of Hydrology, another regarding Groundwater and Groundwater Contamination, and a third on Soil Contamination and Site Remediation Air Pollution, Ecology and Other Applications. Further information on EMWIS website

36- Purpose your session for the EGU April 2024 from now until 14 September 2023.The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. Further information on EMWIS website



[2023/10/29 - 2023/11/02] Cairo Water Week

Further information on EMWIS website

[2023/10/01 - 2023/10/05] International Conference “Closed cycles and the Circular Society 2023: The power of ecological engineering”

Further information on EMWIS website

[2023/09/27 - 2023/09/29]  FEMISE 2023 Conference, deadline: 2nd of May 2023

Further information on EMWIS website

[2023/09/04 - 2023/09/05] EdiCitNet: The Edible Cities Network Conference 2023

Further information on EMWIS website

[2022/07/26 - 2022/07/29] Conference // Global Symposium on Soil Fertility.

Further information on EMWIS website


- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to: 30 000 subscribers).
- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions, Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ... 
- You can view this Flash and also the previous issues in our website.
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