2nd Steering Committee meeting of the ENPI SWIM-SM // 2ème Réunion du Comité Directeur de SWIM-SM du IEVP
The Support Mechanism of the 'Sustainable Water Integrated Management' programme (SWIM-SM) concluded recently its first year of implementation and its SC meeting was organised in Brussels last 17-18 October with the aim of providing a forum for the exchange of views on the project's future activities.
The different partners of the programme and representantives of the SWIM demonstration projects were present (Ldk, GWP-Med, GIZ, CEDARE, CIHEAM-Bari, WEDO/FOEME, RAED..), EC representatives and main regional initiatives as well (EIB, EEA, EMWIS, IME, Plan Bleu, MedWet, MedPol, UNDP, MEDRC, Medcities, etc) apart from official representatives from southern Mediterranean countries.
The meeting was an occasion to present the progress made during the first year regarding the different work packages, and was also the occasion to present the recently launched demonstration projects (ACLIMAS, IMPROWARE, SUSTAIN WATER MED, WADIS-MAR and SWIM Jordan River).
In addition, the SWIM-SM Workplan 2013 was presented and discussed, and finally, there was a roundtable on synergies with regional organizations and programmes initiatives.
The 2nd SWIM Steering Committee (SC) Meeting took place on 17-18 October 2012 in thehotel Marivaux in Brussels. The main objectives were to (1) report on progress in relation to activitiesrealized by SWIM-Support Mechanism’s (SWIM-SM) during its 1st year of implementation, (2) presentthe advancement in the implementation of the five SWIM demo projects (SWIM-DP) (3) present anddiscuss activities planned for the 2nd year of SWIM-SM implementation and (4) review and discussfurther synergies with relevant on-going projects and initiatives.
SWIM-SM Pillar C : No Regret Actions for the Adaptation of the Water Sector to Climate Change
Main Outcomes of Discussions:
- There is good experience in the State of Israel on drought management – including thepreparation of a master plan, risk assessment and environmental assessment of drought inaddition to adaptation and mitigation issues - that could be shared with other countries as acontribution to the proposed SWIM-SM work;
- Indicators elaborated in the framework of Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (EMWIS) activities related to the joint MED EUWI-WFD Drought Working Group as well as the results of the Halting Desertification in the Jucar River Basin (HALT-JÚCAR-DES) project on water accounts could be useful for SM work;
- The SWIM Demonstration project ACLIMAS offered its collaboration with activitiesundertaken under this pillar as it will be compiling good practices in relation to the adaptation to droughts;
- Cooperation between SWIM-SM and relevant organisations (e.g. the Observatory for Saharaand Sahel (OSS) to build on their experience and with the demo projects (e.g. ACLIMAS and WADIS MAR) will be pursued including making use of the project for outreachin the demo countries. In this regard, it was mentioned that OSS is a member of theconsortium in Wadis Mar
- SWIM-SM to provide a drought policy framework that takes into consideration the differentspecificities of the project countries.
Main Recommendations:
- Tunisia recommended including flood management to the no-regret scope of work planned for 2013.
- Drought management should be approached as a whole package bringing in also agriculture (economic) and the environment and to consider both crisis and risk management.
- SWIM- SM to deal with the overall management of extreme events and prepares a set of rules and/or contingency plan that would be included in its 3rd year Work Plan.
The 2nd SWIM Steering Committee and Coordination Meetings (16-18 October 2012)
a) report on project’s progress to the Project Countries representatives, relevant partner institutions and initiatives and;
b) promote a constructive dialogue and consultation on activities planned by the project for its second year of implementation.
The meeting brought together the SWIM Focal Points and Environmental Liaison Officers from the Partner Countries, in addition to officials of the European Commission, representatives of regional institutions and stakeholders.
• Presentations:
• Synergies with on-going initiatives
The 2nd SWIM Coordination Meeting was organised on 16 October 2012, in advance of the Steering Committee Meeting with the following objectives:
• Evaluate the so far achieved cooperation / coordination between SWIM Support Mechanism. (SM) and Demonstration Projects (DM)
• Mutually update SWIM DM and SM about their status of implementation and the planned activities until August 2013.
• Discuss and identify the practical means to further concretizing effective cooperation between SWIMSMand SWIM-DM (and among Demonstration Projects if applicable) in relation to the planned activities.
2ème réunion du Comité Directeur de SWIM-SM et 2ème Réunion de Coordination de SWIM
La 2ème réunion du Comité Directeur de SWIM-SM a eu lieu à Bruxelles le 17-18 Octobre 2012 avec l'objectif de:
a) Faire rapport sur les progrès du projet aux représentants des Pays Partenaires, aux institutions partenaires et aux initiatives pertinentes et;
b) promouvoir un dialogue constructif et des consultations sur les activités prévues par le projet pendant sa deuxième année de mise en œuvre.
La réunion a rassemblé les Points Focaux et les Agents de Liaison pour l'Environnement des Pays Partenaires de SWIM, en plus de fonctionnaires de la Commission Européenne, de représentants des institutions régionales et de parties prenantes.
• Agenda de la Réunion
• Liste des participants
• Présentations (en anglais):
- Progrès de SWIM-SM
- Plan de travail pour 2013
• Notes de Concept (en anglais)
• Projets de Démonstration (en anglais)
• Synergies avec les initiatives en cours (en anglais)
La 2ème Réunion de Coordination de SWIM a été organisée le 16 Octobre 2012, avant la réunion du Comité Directeur avec les objectifs suivants:
• Évaluer la coopération / coordination réalisées à ce jour entre Mécanisme de Soutien (SM) et Projets de Démonstration (DM) de SWIM
• Se mettre à jour mutuellement au sujet de leur état d'avancement et des activités prévues jusqu'en Août 2013.
• Discuter et identifier des moyens concrets pour une plus efficace coopération entre SWIM- SM et SWIM-DM (et parmi les projets de démonstration le cas échéant) par rapport aux activités prévues.
Agenda de la Réunion