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News New Flash Eurobarometer on Water shows large concern about the water environment among EU citizens !

The survey shows that as many as 2/3 of EU citizens say that quality and/or quantity of water is a serious problem. As many as 85 % of the population believe that there will be impact on water from climate change, but the feared threats vary across the EU. The activities of most concern to citizens are industrial and agricultural water use and pollution. On a positive note many EU citizens try to limit their own impact on the water environment. Although on average few of the citizens polled were aware of consultations on the draft River basin mangement plans, many expressed a wish to be active and express their opinions !

Read the press release (23/03/2009)

Summary of the Eurobarometer on Water (pdf, 315 Kb) (March 2009)
Entire Eurobarometer report on Water (pdf, 6 Mb) (March 2009)

Individual Member State information sheets on the Eurobarometer results (Zip file, 6,5 Mb) (March 2009)

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News type Inbrief
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Source of information EC DG Environment
Geographical coverage EU
News date 01/04/2009
Working language(s) ENGLISH