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Project Water Supply & Sanitation in support of two Palestinian refugee camps

- Water supply in Syria, in general, faces severe problems since several years, due to continuous lack of precipitation and over-exploitation of groundwater resources. The main present source of water supply in this part of the country is groundwater, but the reduction of rainfall and the overdraft withdrawal of groundwater have resulted in a substantial lowering of groundwater levels. The situation is particularly precarious in the rural outskirts of Damascus, where the two refugee camps are located, with the corresponding risks on short and medium-term sustainability of further groundwater extraction.

- The sewage sector in Syria is characterised by the fact that only about 30 % of the wastewater is undergoing treatment, the rest is in general disposed off totally untreated. As in the vicinity of the two camps there are no water treatment plants wastewater is discharged untreated.

Project number n/a
Acronym WSSPRC
Geographical coverage Syria
Budget (in €) 8400000
Programme MEDA-NIPs
Web site

- The objective is to contribute to the improvement public health and environmental conditions for the population of the two camps by satisfying the basic needs in drinking water and as well as the proper discharge the waste water and storm water.

- This project will not simply contribute to improving the water supply and wastewater treatment within the camps, but integrates the two Palestinian refugee camps into the regional water supply and wastewater system creating a viable solution.


Expected Results:

-      Drinking water supply networks, household connections including metering systems constructed;

-       Sewage collection networks, pumping stations and conveyor lines constructed;

-      Paved roads and public spaces, incl. appropriate storm-water drainage capacity improved;

-      Availability of proven metering, tariff, billing and revenue collection systems established;

-      Efficiency of operation and maintenance services for water supply and wastewater drainage improved;

-      Hydrological, feasibility, design & engineering studies, tender for water supply from Al-Arneh to both camps and neighbouring towns/villages prepared;

-      Feasibility, design & engineering studies, tender and other documents for sewage treatment plants and conveyor systems at Artouz and Al-Kisweh prepared.

- The project will be executed through a series of service and works contracts under the responsibility of The United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Period [09/09/2002 - 09/06/2008]


    - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.
    Coordinator acts as project coordinator
    Country Syria
    Web site
    Contact Mr Mohammad SUTARI,
    Position: Project manager
    Phone/fax: +963-11-683 35 51,

Funding sources

  • European Commission (EC)
    Source European Commission (EC)
    Programme MEDA-NIPs
    Funding rate 95
  • General Authority for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR) and Ministry of Housing & Construction
    Source General Authority for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR) and Ministry of Housing & Construction
    Programme MEDA-NIPs
    Funding rate 5

Complain of khan al sheeh water project & contractor negligence

From: shadi ali [mailto:shadiali1000 at]
Sent: jeudi 12 mars 2009 10:04
To: e.mino at
Subject: FW: Complain of khan al sheeh water project & contractor negligence.

Dear Sir:

I am referring to you concerning the:

(Water Supply & Sanitation in support of two Palestinian refugee camps).The program of MEDA-NIPS.

Since this project is one of your interest, and was one of ours. I want to say that we are afraid of this project now because it becomes a disaster to our lives.

It's for your kind information's; that we are suffering of the project management & contractor ignorance, as below Mails indicates.

Pls. advice.

Best Regards


Shadi Ali

Damascus - Syria

+963 99 3997683

Posted by jauad at 31 Mar 2009 15:00:05