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Folder Side event: Water Resources across Europe – confronting Water Scarcity and Drought



Wednesday 18.03; 17.00 - 18.30; at Sutluce/Kasimpasa 1 Hall

The European Environment Agency (EEA) hosted a side event during the 5th WWF, to further examine the key issues arising from its report Water resources cross Europe - confronting water scarcity and drought launched on 17 March.

Together with several stakeholders, the EEA explored how demand management measures can be promoted and a greater implementation of water-efficient practices realised, as part f a wider goal of sustainable consumption and production. The discussions focused on:

  • to promote demand management measures, on a regional and operational basis
  • increase water use efficiency and saving in the context of the more general efforts to implement sustainable consumption and production across Europe
  • to make use of new technologies and methods to increase water use efficiency e.g. in irrigation, or public water supply

17.00 - 17.15 EEA, Robert Collins Water Resources across Europe - confronting Water Scarcity and Drought
17.15 - 17.55 - Palle Lindgaard Jorgnesen;
- Arjen Hoekstra
- Eric Mino
- Diane D'Arras

Critical review

Beyond the EEA report

17.55-18.30 All with moderation by Beate Werner Panel discussion

PDF Water Resources across Europe – confronting Water Scarcity and Drought Download
PDF Challenges of the water crisis in the Mediterranean Download
PDF Promoting water demand management Download
PDF Water accounting: virtual water transfers and water footprints Download
URL Launch of EEA report "Water resources across Europe – confronting water scarcity and drought'"
5th Mediterranean Water Forum