Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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News Workshop on Water/Energy/Food Security Nexus – MEDCOP CLIMAT TANGIER

IME has been appointed to pilot with the collaboration of Abdelmalek Essaâdi University in Tétouan the Workshop on “Water/Energy/Food Security Nexus” within the MEDCOP CLIMAT which will be held in Tangiers, morocco on 18 and 19 July 2016.
This workshop will be held on 18 jjuly 2016 at 14h30-17h30. The issue is how to establish a just balance for a sharing equitable and peaceful sharing by the available resources between the various uses, by insuring the security of the access the water for the local agricultures, condition of the food safety, while taking into account the necessary incompressible part on one side in the direct human consumption and the other one in the minimal functioning of the aquatic environment allowing to protect the biodiversity and to benefit from essential ecosystematic services which return the natural environment.
Hydric stress and endemic droughts, deteriorated floods by climate change: after decades of modernization of techniques, evolution of the agricultural production systems and progress of the sustainable integrated management, tensions on the resources are appearing everywhere in the Mediterranean.
The urgency seems from now on to put the water at the top of the Climate Agenda. But how go beyond the simple sustainable and fair mobilization of the conventional resources? How to mobilize the scientific knowledge of both rims to optimize the efficient management of the resource, by developing the non conventional resources with less energy-consuming innovative and adapted technologies (waste water re-use, desalination)?
A really integrated, documented and participative approach taking into account all the complexity and the interdependence of problems links between water, energy and food, is not it the grateful passage and the guarantee of equipment, arrangement and management programs of corresponding to the global development objectives such as the food security, the sustainability of the supplies, the optimization of the use and the management of energy and water?

Mains partners are : Centre de compétence sur le changement climatique (4C)-Maroc, SEI-Suède/PICIR-Allemagne, GIZ-Egypt, EDF, Société du Canal de Provence, Société des eaux de Marseille, SEMIDE, IPEMED, Maison Régionale de l’Eau, Université Aix-Marseille, Arab League, IUCN-Jordan, Water and Waste Water Holding Company, SESAME…

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News type Inbrief
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Source of information ime
Geographical coverage Morocco,
News date 26/06/2016
Working language(s) ENGLISH