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News Rothamsted International Fellowships

Rothamsted International (RI) is a non-profit-making charity working towards sustainable agriculture in developing and emerging countries. We aim to share research excellence in agricultural and environmental sciences for the benefit of world-wideagricultural and environmental sustainability. Visiting RI Fellows makeuse of the current, state-of-the art, facilites and expertise at Rothamsted Research, the oldest agricultural research station in the world.
The primary objective of this prestigious Fellowship Scheme is the exchange of vitalscientific skills and technologies relevant to the agricultural and environmental needs and aspirations of developing and emerging countries. Fellowships are funded by charitable donations; they are available to scientists of proven ability, working in developing or emerging countries, to pursue research with scientists at Rothamsted forperiods of up to one year. It is expected that Fellows will return to their home country at the end of the Fellowship period.

Contact information Mrs Marie Orford (email:
Phone: (+44) (0)1582 763133 (Ext. 2441)
News type Vacancies
File link
Source of information cambodiajobs
Keyword(s) sustainable agriculture, environmental, sciences
Geographical coverage United Kingdom
News date 30/03/2010
Working language(s) ENGLISH