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News Nile network meets

Members of the Nile IWRM-net capacity building network met in Nairobi in August. Bringing together the steering committee and the country focal points the meeting reported on the activities of 2007/8 and planned activities for 2008/09. The last year was very productive with 5 training courses, several case studies, participation in training materials development on several subjects and network exchange. The committment of the members is obvious with a long list of actions proposed for the next 12 month period. Some of the proposed activities will be supported through the EU Water Facility collaborative project with GWP which addresses capacity building in Africa and the Caribbean. 

Ethiopia and Rwanda plan regional training on IWRM and water supply and sanitation, Sudan is addressing Water Quality and Pollution. National level capacity building is taking pace on several issues such as economic instruments and IWRM, IWRM planning. Some Kenyan members are in the process of development of training materials on hydroclimatic disasters after a successful course held in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Assistance (UNOCHA).

Mr Damian Indij, network manager of the Latin America capacity building network LA-WETnet, participated in the meeting to conduct a peer review of the Nile network as part of the Cap-Net internal review.

Contact information Cap-Net (email: )
News type Inbrief
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Source of information Nile IWRM-net
Geographical coverage Burundi, D.R. Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
News date 15/09/2008
Working language(s) ENGLISH