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Building the Water Supply System in Rajici - Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
"The assessment and prospects for cooperation in the Mediterranean water sector": Final report presented
12th EMWIS Steering Committee meeting, 21st July 2008 in Athens (Greece)
7th Framework Programme 2007 call for proposals (preliminary results)
A North Africa Water MDGs Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
ANIMA puts forward 25 operational projects for the Mediterranean - Project n°22: A Mediterranean Water Observatory System
African Union Summit Focuses on Sanitation
African Water Week Declaration Calls for ‘Smart’ Investments to Water Sector
Arab Environment Ministers met in Cairo
BRIDGE provides thresholds for Water Framework Directive
Call for Participation: INSPIRE Annex I data specifications testing
Call for expression of interest for training on the implementation of projects financed from the EU General Budget in the context of external action
Can Africa Afford to Miss the MDG for sanitation?
Climate change threatens global food and water supply
Conclusions of the "Regional Workshop for collaborating on IWRM Research: Southern Europe and Mediterranean region"
Conclusions of the First International Conference on Energy and Climate Change
Conclusions of the First International Conference on Energy and Climate Change
Core Questions on Drinking-water and Sanitation for Household Surveys
EC and Israel agree on statistical data exchange
EC and Morocco signed a Memorandum of Understanding on statistical data exchange
FEMIP and Plan Bleu propose solutions to climate change in Mediterranean
FP7 2008 call for proposals
G8 news round up
GEF: Four positions within the Regional Project Coordination Unit
GEWAMED Newsletter Issue No 9
Global Water Partnership Executive Secretary Search
IUCN calls for adopting the right methodologies and participatory approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management
IUCN calls for adopting the right methodologies and participatory approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management : Regional Dialogue on the Future of Ground Water in the MENA region
Indicators on water availability and abstraction
Invest in water for farming, or the world will go hungry
Israel and Emerging Water Markets: The Growing Demand For New Water Techno logy Systems
Italy: EIB finances water and wastewater investments in the province of Rome
Job Opportunity Egypt//EC : Preparation of a Twinning Project Fiche /Technical Assistance Tender Dossier For The Institutional Capacity Building for The Egyptian Holding Company for Water and Wastewater Company (HCWW)
Jordan: Evaluation of the Capacity Building Measures for Unaccounted Water Projects (Phase II) (JICA)
Jordan: Water scarcity places Jordan's economic growth at risk
Junior Network Officer/Programme Administrator
LIFE+ Call for proposals launched
LIFE+ new call for proposals to be launched
Macedonia (FYROM):Technical Assistance for Preparation of Investment Project for Wastewater Collection and Treatment in Macedonia (EuropeAID)
Middle East Desalination Research Centre looking for a Director
Palestinian Authority, Israel, Jordan: A subsidiary company of the Suez group will carry out the feasibility study of the Dead Sea - Red Sea channel project
Post-Doc, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Progress in Drinking-water and Sanitation. Special Focus on Sanitation JMP 2008
Publication: Assessing Management Regimes in Transboundary River Basins: Do They Support Adaptive Management?
Publication: Sealing water aid against corruption: donor interventions, donor responsibilities
Sarkozy beaming at birth of Mediterranean Union
Spain: New Water General Director nominated
Syria: Wastewater Treatment Project
Tackling water scarcity in Western Turkey
The Lexicon
Turkey: EIB lends EUR 135 M for hydro-power project
Two success stories by SMAP & EMWIS for Euro-Med cooperation in environment
UN-ESCWA High-Level Meeting to Promote Water Supply and Sanitation Policies
UNICEF, WHO Release New Global Statistics on Water and Sanitation
WISE Newsletter June 2008
WISE data availability
WISE reference datasets already available
Walter MAZZITTI, nominated new EMWIS Steering Committee President
Water Resource Protection in the Arab World
Water economics
Workshop on water and adaptation to climate change -outcomes
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