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News The ENPI e-bulletin is released

The first issue of the new electronic publication called ENPI e-bulletin, featuring news about the relationship of the EU with its neighbours, has just been launched.

The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) specially tailored for our Eastern and Southern partner countries came into force on 1 January 2007 and replaces the previous MEDA and TACIS instruments.

ENPI is a flexible, policy-driven instrument designed to target sustainable development and approximation to EU policies and standards taking place in its neighbouring countries. For the next budgetary period (2007-2013), approximately €12 billion in EC funding will be available to support our partners' reforms, an increase of 32% in real terms.

The ENPI e-bulletin follows on the previous Euromed Synopsis in a more expanded and upgraded format. It has a new graphic design, will be produced on a weekly basis by EuropeAid Cooperation Office with contributions from DG External relations and Delegations in our partner countries. It will be published in English and French.

The e-bulletin contains brief information on the EU activities in ENPI South and East, with a special focus on regional issues. There are three main sections:

Political news, a digest of the most relevant political developments in the ENPI during the week; Programmes and Projects, featuring information about EC funded activities in our neighbourhood; and a last section on publications and events.

Contact information The ENPI e-bulletin (EuropeAid Cooperation Offi ce DG) (email: ;
News type Inbrief
File link n/a
Source of information The ENPI e-bulletin (EuropeAid Cooperation Offi ce DG)
Keyword(s) ENPI
Relation fol882846/fol101997
Geographical coverage Euromed
News date 25/06/2007
Working language(s) ENGLISH , FRENCH