Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2013/05

Event colloque-international-sur-les-materiaux-et-le-developpement-durable Item only translated in French
Event hydrometrie-2013-mesures-et-incertitudes Item only translated in French
Event la-3eme-edition-du-salon-international-de-l-eau-et-de-l-irrigation-2013-l-eau Item only translated in French
Event forum-medess-sur-l-economie-sociale-et-solidaire-en-mediterranee Item only translated in French
Event preservons-l-eau-gestion-et-economie-de-la-ressource Item only translated in French
Event 5th Delft Symposium on Water Sector Capacity Development
Event AQUAKNIGHT International Conference
Event Desalination with Solar Energy: A 3-day intensive course
Event GWSP international conference: 'Water in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance. Indicators, Thresholds and Uncertainties of the Global Water System'"
Event Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (4th Session)
Event IMPACTS WORLD 2013- International Conference on Climate Change Effects
Event Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress (Istanbul3Wcongress)
Event New Nile Perspectives - Scientific advances in the Eastern Nile Basin
Event SWIM – Sustain Water MED 2nd Regional Project Meeting
Event Second International Drought Initiative (IDI) Meeting
Event Second international symposium on Analytical Chemistry for a Sustainable Development - ACSD 2013 and the 4th Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC) Congress
Event The 1st International Congress on Energy & Environment (ICEE)
Event UfM Launch of the 'Governance and Financing in the Mediterranean Water Sector' Project
Event WFN Training Amsterdam May 2013; Global Water Footprint Standard Training Course
5th Mediterranean Water Forum