Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2012/05

Event 2eme-colloque-international-sur-la-gestion-et-la-preservation-des-ressources-en Item only translated in French
Event copy_of_2eme-colloque-international-sur-la-gestion-et-la-preservation-des-ressources-en Item only translated in French
Event matinale-des-poles-presentation-du-pole-eau Item only translated in French [1 comment(s)]
Event les-premieres-journees-doctoriales-du-cedoc-l-iav-hassan-ii Item only translated in French
Event seminaire-developpement-durable-et-economie-de-l-environnement-confronting Item only translated in French
Event atelier-de-presentation-du-projet-pour-la-station-du-tertiaire-djerba-ajim-dans Item only translated in French
Event 3rd European Water Conference
Event African Water Week 2012 [1 comment(s)]
Event BALWOIS 2012: Firth International Conference BALWOIS 2012 on Water, Climate and Environment
Event Green week 2012: Water
Event GwFR'2012: International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks
Event GwFR'2012: International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks
Event One day conference on Water and Energy
Event Resilient Cities 2012: 3rd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change
Event SWEEP-Net - 2nd Regional Forum on Integrated Solid waste management
Event Second SOWAEUMED Workshop: Innovative Technologies for Solid Waste and Water Treatment “Exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer between Europe and Mediterranean countries” - ITS2WAT-2012
Event The International CIPA Conference - The 18th International Agriculture Exhibition
Event Water Innovation Europe
Event Water Loss Europe Conference
Event Water Resources and water security in the Middle East and Mediterranean Region
Event World Congress on Water, Climate & Energy 2012
Event World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy
5th Mediterranean Water Forum