Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2011/10

Event salon-international-de-l-eau-et-de-l-irrigation-de-la-region-tadla-azilal Item only translated in French
Event conference-agriculture-et-eau-etats-unis-france Item only translated in French
Event atelier-la-gouvernance-publique-de-l-eau-en-mediterranee-quel-nouveau-role-pour Item only translated in French
Event les-apports-du-spatial-au-service-des-collectivites Item only translated in French
Event adapting-land-and-water-management-climate-change Item only translated in French
Event conferences-autour-du-theme-economie-et-eau-dans-le-cadre-de-la-fete-de-la Item only translated in French
Event conference-edf-les-impacts-du-changemenent-climatique-dans-le-domaine-de-l-eau Item only translated in French
Event Conference: Topics Project Cycle Projects to be Financed Projects Financed Operations Evaluation FAQ - Projects Tackling climate change: making green growth a reality
Event "Aïgo": Des hommes, des territoires et une eau à partager - La gouvernance des réseaux d’irrigation en Méditerranée
Event 1st International Conference on Desalination and Environment: Recent developments in non-reverse osmosis desalination and related technologies - ICODE 2011
Event 21st International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), the 8th International Micro Irrigation Congress, and the 62nd ICID IEC Meeting
Event 23rd Ph.D. Workshop on International Climate Policy
Event 7th EWA Brussels Conference "Effective Urban Waste Water Treatment:A Key Prerequisite of Successful Implementation of the Water Framework Directive"
Event 9th International Hydrogeological Congress
Event ACQUA ALTA 2011: Exhibition and International Conference on Climate Impact, Flood Protection and Hydraulic Engineering
Event ACR+ Conference Genoa 2011 - Practical Implementation of the European Waste Framework Directive at local and regional level
Event ACWUA 4th training course: "Planning and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants"
Event CIWEM International Event 2011: Water Management in Europe
Event EC Expert group on Water Scarcity and Drought
Event EP WATER GROUP - Integration of Water into other EU policies - 19 October 2011 Meeting at the EP
Event EWP Stakeholders Consultation: Blueprint policy options & recomendations
Event Global Forum on Environment: Making Water Reform Happen
Event Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene in Mumbai, India
Event HYDRO 2011 - Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Event IWC6: 6th Biennial International Waters Conference - "Raising the Bar: 20 Years of GEF Transboundary Water Results"
Event Improving water governance: towards a strong community of experts
Event International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives
Event International Water Week Amsterdam 2011
Event JIA 2011. 2nd Spanish Water Engineering Symposium
Event Mediterranean Economic Week (Marseille - 10-15 October 2011) - “Water Governance in the Mediterranean” Workshop
Event Pollutec Morocco
Event Regional Preparatory Meeting in the Arab Region, ESCWA and partners
Event Specialized Course on Water and Cooperation
Event Technical training program on “Seawater Desalination”
Event The 1st Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine symposium
Event The 21st ICID Congress on Irrigation and Drainage: "Water Productivity towards Food Security"
Event The Middle East Water Meter Seminar 2011
Event The first International Conference on Water and Environment- WATEIC-2011-
Event The first annual WaterWorld Middle East conference and exhibition 2011
Event Training on Activated Sludge (8 Hour)
Event UNCCD COP 10
Event V International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management
Event WMO Regional Association VI Conference on Social and Economic Benefits of Weather, Climate and Water Services
Event Water Expo China
Event Water and Health: Where Science Meets Policy October 3-7, 2011
Event Water heritage exhibition and conferences
Event Water in the Green Economy in Practice: Towards Rio+20
Event WaterMed 2011
Event Young Scientist Workshop, International Water Week
5th Mediterranean Water Forum