Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2010/03

Event 3eme-colloque-international-du-groupe-dhistoire Item only translated in French
Event colloque-international-francophone-eau-dechet-et Item only translated in French
Event colloque-risques-inondations-en-ile-de-france-100 Item only translated in French
Event la-gestion-democratique-des-biens-collectifs Item only translated in French
Event risque-inondation-ile-de-france Item only translated in French
Event les-journees-dinformation-du-cedre-les-stocks-de Item only translated in French
Event presentation-du-rapport-mondial-des-nations-unies Item only translated in French
Event atelier-sur-le-theme-du-financement-des Item only translated in French
Event seminaire-sur-le-suivi-et-le-controle-de-la Item only translated in French
Event colloque-agriculture-et-gestion-de-leau Item only translated in French
Event 15th African Water Association Congress
Event 15th Congress of the African Water Association: « Technical Vocational Training for Water Professions»
Event 1st International Conference on "Coastal Zone Management of River Deltas and Low Land Coastlines": CZMRDLLC 2010
Event 4th Cleaner Production Arab Workshop
Event 4th MELIA Workshop: "Benchmarking Exercise & Recommendations on the Application of the Water Framework Directive"
Event Arabian Power & Water Summit (APWS)
Event CIWEM Drinking Water Quality Conference: Advanced Treatment Technologies and Emerging Contaminants - How Much Further Can We Go?
Event EDS Membrane Technology, Process & System Design
Event European Youth Water Summit - Aquawareness Policy Forum: “Water 2030 – who cares?”
Event First Forum of Local Authorities EU-Morocco
Event Integrated Water Resources Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development
Event International Exhibition and Forum: Gulf Environment Forum
Event International Water Exhibition: SMAGUA 2010
Event Negotiation and Mediation for Water Conflict Management
Event Presentation ceremony of the UfM Secretary General
Event Regional Meeting: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Maghreb: Review and Outlook
Event SINEAU: the National water information system to be launched in Tunisia
Event The 4th Arab Cleaner Production Workshop
Event The European Irrigation Days EIA / CEMAGREF – Journées Scientifiques et Techniques
Event The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development GCARD
Event The ISPRS Joint Workshop Haifa 2010
Event The International Conference on Integration of Gender Dimensions in Water Management
Event The Second International Conference on Drought Management: Economics of Drought and Drought Preparedness in the Mediterranean
Event The Water Forum for the EMA Region: "Environmental Protection and Water Management: Sustainable Cooperation and Know-How-Transfer in the EMA Region"
Event The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC): A pact for the Tiber - Proposals and actions for the reduction of hydrogeological risk
Event The third annual two-week intensive course on Energy and Water Demand Management: Policies and Tools to Promote Resource Efficiency
Event Tunisia: Research, development and innovation, keys for a sustainable development in the Mediterranean
Event WSTA 9th Gulf Water Conference: "Water Sustainability in the GCC Countries - The Need for a Socio-Economic and Environmental Definition"
Event World Water Day – Monday, 22nd March 2010 - Aquawareness Policy Forum
Event e-learning course on desalination with renewable energy
5th Mediterranean Water Forum