Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

Folder Events for 2008/10

Event sev391584 Item only translated in French
Event 8e-forum-eurafric-partners-eau-energie-en Item only translated in French
Event journee-detudes-120m3-le-consommateur-deau-en Item only translated in French
Event residus-de-medicaments-dans-leau-des-molecules Item only translated in French
Event reunion-smap-rmsu-sur-les-echanges-dinformations Item only translated in French
Event le-31e-symposium-sur-les-eaux-usees-et-le-20e Item only translated in French
Event tours-capitale-europeenne-des-fleuves-le-2e-salon Item only translated in French
Event sludge-2008-conference-sur-les-technologies-pour Item only translated in French
Event 3rd International Conference on Water Science and Technology AQUA
Event 10th DHI International Conference & 2nd European MIKE Software Conference, Dubrovnik 2008: "Water Across Europe”
Event 3rd Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers
Event 8th Hydrogeological International Congress of Greece & 3rd MEM Workshop on Fissured Rocks Hydrology
Event A one-day stakeholder conference, "Towards a comprehensive and ambitious post-2012 climate change agreement in Copenhagen"
Event AQUA'08: 3rd International Conference - Water Science and Technology with emphasis on water & climate/ WATERTEC'08: 4th International Exhibition - Water Technologies/ Envicity'08: 1st International Exhibition - Environmental Technologies
Event An information meeting 2009 Call for Proposals under LIFE+
Event Barcelona WWC: WWF/CI/TNC/IUCN Water Pavilion events
Event Complex Systems and Changes: Water and Life
Event Conference: "Water in Africa: Hydro-Pessimism or Hydro-Optimism?"
Event Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection: Symposium to the International Year of Sanitation (IYS) 2008
Event EURO INBO 2008: International conference on the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
Event Eco -Cities of the Mediterranean
Event Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
Event Euromed Civil Forum 2008:“Living and Working together in the Euro-Mediterranean Area”
Event Final Conference of the SPI-Water project: Managing water related information in support
Event Global Water Congress
Event HYDRO 2008: Progressing World Hydropower
Event IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management
Event International Conference Water and Forests: a Convenient Truth?
Event Kick-off meeting and the official beginning of the project “ALP-WATER-SCARCE”: Water Management Strategies against Water Scarcity in the Alps »
Event MBR-Network workshop: Design MBR plants with containerised units and demonstration cases
Event MELIA 2nd Workshop on Technological Perspectives for Rational Use of water resources in the Mediterranean region
Event MWWD 2008 - 5th International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges and Coastal Environment
Event Medibtikar 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Innovation: “Empowering the Mediterranean to innovate”
Event Mediterranean Civil Society Meeting on the occasion of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water
Event Membranes in Drinking Water Production and Waste Water Treatment
Event New postgraduate programmes related to water conflict
Event Open Days: International conference in Basilicata - Earth Observation and New Technologies for Environmental
Event PCCP High-level Training on the Resolution of Water Disputes
Event Regional Meeting on Water in the Mediterranean Basin
Event Regional Seminar on Climate Change in the Mediterranean
Event Regional workshop on methodology exchanges « Regional workshop on water and land use planning »
Event STREAM project workshop, October 3rd, Langford lakes, Wiltshire
Event Screening of films o­n wetlands and water
Event Second high-level preparatory meeting for the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Event Sediment Management in River Basin Management Plans (Round Table Discussion) and The Role of Sediments in Coastal Management (Conference)
Event The 1st World Summit of Regions on Climate Change
Event The 2nd EU Interregional Cooperation Forum: Sharing good practice in the fields of innovation and environment
Event The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies and Water Technologies (CIERTA 2008) and the 5th edition of the International Renewable Energy and Water Technologies Exhibition
Event The 4th Algeria Electricity and Water Expo 2008
Event The 4th Environmental Symposium of German-Arab Scientific Forum for Environmental Studies: "Climatic changes and water resources in the Middle East and North Africa"
Event The 5th Conference on Scientific Research Outlook & Technology Development in the Arab World (SRO5): “Path to Innovation: Transforming Research into Value" - “Conference of Water and Agriculture”
Event The Future of Surface Water Management: The Direction of Policy and Legislation
Event The International Workshop Women Leadership and Water Management: The Current Situation and the Way Ahead in the Arab Region
Event The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management
Event The Second United Nations International UN-SPIDER Bonn Workshop: “Disaster Management and Space Technology - Bridging the Gap”
Event The World Conservation Congress 2008
5th Mediterranean Water Forum