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Event International Course - MesoHabsim

The MesoHabsim technique is an up-scaling alternative to conventional Microhabitat analysis used in fluvial ecosystems. This method is more effective for instream flow issues at a river segment scale, or larger.

The course is intended to teach the basics of data collection techniques within the MesoHabsim framework, data processing with MesoHabsim software and the creation of GIS habitat models. Course participants will have any opportunity to conduct stream habitat mapping with a pocket PC, use the grid electro-fishing technique, compute multivariate habitat suitability criteria for native fish species, create habitat suitability maps, create habitat-flow rating curves and habitat time series analysis (UCUT curves), develop flow augmentation scenarios and simulate habitat improvement measures. This course also includes training in Slm-stream software.

Teacher staff: Piotr Parasiewicz, Joseph N Rogers, Jeffrey D. Legros, and Diego Garcia de Jalon
Contents: Introduction to physical habitat models and MesoHABSIM. Biophysical templates. Biological filters. nstream Habitat Classification. River Site Procedures. Project preparation. SIM-Stream software. Entering data to SIM. Enter hydromorphologic (HMU) data. Compute suitability criteria. Upscaling. Adjusting biophysical template and time series analysis. Scenario simulation and Interpretation. Examples of MesoHABSIM application and Discussion.

Contact information n/a
Event type Training
File link
Source Rushing Rivers Institute
Geographical coverage Spain
Address Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Organizer Technical University of Madrid
Target audience International
Period [10/12/2007 - 14/12/2007]
Status Confirmed
Working language(s) ENGLISH