EMWIS Flash n°127 - March/April 2016
Released | 10/05/2016 |
- March / April 2016 Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector For further information: www.emwis.net & check our page at facebook Flash produced by the EMWIS Technical Unit- OIEAU, CEDEX, CHJ Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform / Geo-Catalogue / UfM-Water / WEAM4i / PAWA / NWRM / MED-3R/ R-KNOW / SAID / OpIRIS / SWOS / LIFE-ANADRY |
In this issue N°127
1- New phase of EU water and environment programs in the Mediterranean
2- China and US join 175 countries in officially signing COP21 Paris Agreement
3- Preparatory meetings for the COP22 in Morocco
4- An EU action plan for the Circular Economy
5- The top trends in the global water sector
6- Four Billion People Face Severe Water Scarcity
7- UfM on World Water Day: Better integration, better water in the Mediterranean
8- Can water help our cities cope with rapid urbanisation and climate change?
9- Three in Four Jobs in the Global Workforce Depend on Water, says UN on World Water Day
10- « UWWT SIIF »: a free tool for European countries to make available sanitation data
11- Water as a Strategy of War in the Middle East
12- WEAM4i: demonstrating water and energy efficiency in irrigation
13- SAID: feedback of the advisory board on smart dam management
14- Rknow: closing workshop in Amman
15- SWOS: user expectations for Satellite Wetland Observation Services
16- 50 Ramsar Sites to be mapped in Algeria: an example of a SWOS National Service Case
17- Algeria: Mediterranean resources vital for entire region - EU Commissioner Vella
18- Algeria: promoting environmental information
19- Palestine: The Water Authority and UNDP celebrate the closing of the cross boundary waste-water management project in the West Bank
20- France: Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency invests 63.7 million euros for 506 projects
21- France: Horizon 2100 Seine-Normandy river basin adaptation to the climate change
22- France: Ségolène Royal is officially launching the tender on small hydropower
23- Egypt: Waste management forum launched in Cairo
24- Spain: Segura river awarded top prize for river restoration in Europe
25- Montenegro commits to maintain enough water for nature in its rivers
26- Morocco: New water supply and sanitation projects in the city of Dakhla
27- Morocco: EBRD finances work for distribution of drinking water
28- Tunisia: Starting the preparation of a water study "water in Tunisia in 2050"
29- Tunisia: Implementation of a national program against maritime pollution in Sfax
30- Lebanon: After COP21, adaptation plans in the Mediterranean region
31- NASA and Japan make ASTER imagery available for free
1- In the framework of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), the European Commission has now launched the new phases of its ambitious cooperation programs related to water and environment in the Mediterranean. Thus the extension of the Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) principles to ENI South countries is entering its 2nd phase (Feb. 2016 – Jan. 2020) under the management of the European Environment Agency (EEA). While ENI-SEIS is focusing on data and indicators for monitoring progress on environmental policy implementation, the combined SWIM Horizon 2020 program support Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) and a cleaner Mediterranean Sea (Horizon 2020). Fact finding missions are taking place in April and May in South Mediterranean countries involving relevant Ministries’ representatives, EU Delegations and key stakeholders. Priorities for regional support will then be discussed and validated with all countries during a regional workshop. In parallel, a call for demonstration projects has been issued earlier in 2016 by the European Commission. Further information on EMWIS website
IN BRIEF (Full news)
2- On “Earth Day” 22 April some 175 national delegates met in New York to officially sign up to the climate targets agreed in principle at COP21 in Paris last December. A further 15 of those countries moved to the next stage and submitted “instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval”. The signings mark an important step in implementing the “ambitious and balanced” climate deal, which includes a “legally-binding” target to keep global warming “well below 2°C”. The final stage in the process is ratification by national parliaments and the ratification signatures of at least 55 countries – representing more than 55% of global carbon emissions – are required for the deal to formally apply from 2020. The 175 countries that have signed and are now expected to ratify the agreement representing around 93% of global emissions. Further information on EMWIS website
3- An international conference on water and climate will be organised in Rabat, on 11 and 12 of July by the Moroccan government in cooperation with the French Ministry of Environment and the French Water Partnership. This conference is a preparation for the COP22 that will be held in Marrakech in November 2016. In the same framework, the Region Tangier-Tetouan, Al Hoceima is organizing on 18 and 19 of July 2016 at Tangier, the second Conference of Parties of the Mediterranean countries (MedCOP22). This multi-stakeholders summit will gather together Mediterranean non-state organizations. The aim of the MEDCOP22 is to share the vision and action of the Mediterranean actors in the context of the new global climate regime to bring common solutions to the COP22. Further information on EMWIS website
4- The European Commission adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Package, which includes revised legislative proposals on waste to stimulate Europe's transition towards a circular economy which will boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. The Package consists of an EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy that establishes a concrete and ambitious programme of action, with measures covering the whole cycle: from production and consumption to waste management and the market for secondary raw materials. The Circular economy offers an opportunity to reinvent the usual economy, making it more sustainable and competitive. This will bring benefits for European businesses, industries, and citizens alike. With this new plan to make Europe’s economy cleaner and more competitive, the Commission is delivering ambitious measures to cut resource use, reduce waste and boost recycling. Further information on EMWIS website
5- Water scarcity, changing demographics and operational efficiency are top issues for the global water sector, which are amplified by the unpredictable impact of climate change. Demand for water continues to rise, declining water quality has grown to be a global concern, water loss through leakage continues to prove a major issue both in the developed and developing world, and the long-term impact of climate change is unpredictable which makes planning difficult. Ultimately, the world needs flexible and resilient water systems that anticipate and monitor changes in circumstances. Sustainable management techniques need to be implemented to protect water cycles and reduce the impact of human activity on them. These need to go hand-in-hand with optimizing water and waste-water provision and consumption, and will require closer collaboration between utilities, users and regulators to incentivize water conservation, reuse and recycling. Deloitte's Water Tight 2.0 report includes trends on: The value of water, the value of data, the power of the customer, the need for operational efficiency, the potential of technology, the future of regulation and new financing methods. Further information on EMWIS website
6- Two-thirds of the planet’s population, or 4 billion people, lives at least one month per year with water scarcity, according to the most detailed water scarcity assessment to date. Previous studies — which estimated between 1.7 billion and 3.1 billion in water-scarce areas — were too broad for an accurate depiction of the problem, according to a study from researchers at the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. Those assessments looked at annual averages over whole watersheds and did not account for ecosystem needs. The study looked more closely. They used monthly averages of water availability, analyzed water supply and consumption at a scale that included municipal, industrial, and agriculture data, and apportioned water to maintain ecosystem health. The researchers defined water scarcity as consuming more fresh groundwater and surface water than is available, after subtracting upstream use and water required for ecosystems (eflows estimated at 60 percent to 80 percent of natural runoff). Under these conditions many more people, than previously thought, live with water scarcity at least one month per year. Further information on EMWIS website
7- The UfM press release published for the world water day claims that the southern shores of the Mediterranean are among the world’s most water-scarce, with over 150 million people affected. The UfM is highly involved on the development of the region, it has implemented 15 projects specifically on Sustainable Development, representing close to 4 billion euros in investments for the region. The UfM stresses that the magnitude and urgency of water scarcity makes it crucial to promote regional partnerships, create sustainable cooperation mechanisms and engage all segments of society, in the water policy dialogue, as well as to enhance human capacity towards effective planning and water management. Mediterranean region faces a range of environmental and human development challenges that are closely related to water resources. More and continued efforts are therefore needed by all stakeholders. Further information on EMWIS website
8- According to a recent study, the impacts of rapid urbanisation and climate change mean our cities are at risk of becoming “unlivable” unless we dramatically change the way we plan and design our cities – with water as a central focus." This is not idle speculation, it is a reality that we are starting to see play out in many cities around the world. The IWA Principles for Water Wise Cities, currently being drafted through the consultation of water professionals provides a framework to develop a shared vision amongst urban stakeholders and act to implement this vision for sustainable urban water in our cities, now and in the future. Four levels of action are identified: 1) Water wise urban communities, 2) basin connected cities, 3) water sensitive urban design, 4) regenerative water services for all. Further information on EMWIS website
9- An
estimated three out of four jobs that make up the global workforce are either
heavily or moderately dependent on water. This means that water
shortages and problems of access to water and sanitation could limit economic
growth and job creation in the coming decades, according to a UN report released
on World Water Day. Further information on EMWIS
10- In 2012, the European Commission introduced the “SIIF” concept (Structured Implementation and Information Framework) in a communication called “Improving the delivery of benefits from EU environment measures” (COM(2012)95). This framework is part of the development of tools and services for the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). The SIIF is to define, for every key obligation in a Directive, how the relevant compliance and implementation information can be organised and presented online by Member States or River Basin Authorities. By extension, the SIIF concept can also refer to the resulting national and / or EU information systems. To demonstrate the added value of this concept before generalizing its application to all Directives, a pilot was developed for the Urban Waste-Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive, so as to speed up the availability of information for decision makers and for the general public, through the creation of a UWWT SIIF, Shared Information and Implementation Framework for sanitation. This platform was jointly developed by the Austrian Environmental Agency (UBA) and the International Office for Water (IOWater). This open platform provides direct access to the data on urban waste water treatment as required by EU member states. Further information on EMWIS website
11- The Middle East is now in the midst of multiple disasters. Easy solutions do not exist. The only way out of this ordeal is to accept major compromises and negotiate a comprehensive global peace agreement with a special focus on cross-border cooperation on water. Indeed, Water issues are an integral part of peace agreements. Further information on EMWIS website
12- WEAM4i project (Water and Energy Advanced Management for Irrigation) is entering in its last year of implementation. Most of the last general meeting was dedicated to the demonstration phase during the irrigation season. The meeting took place on April 28th-29th 2016 in Almeria, Spain, the sunniest and driest part of Europe where water is gold in particular for the farmers exploiting 30 000 ha of greenhouses, the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world. Indeed, the WEAM4i tools have been integrated in a single software platform and validated with in-situ data. The objective of this demonstration phase is to prepare case studies highlighting and quantifying the results of applying WEAM4i innovative solutions for cost effective management of water and energy in irrigation. On the first day, participants gathered at HISPATEC facilities and the shared campuses located at the Science and Technology Park of Almería (PITA) “Parque Científico-Tecnológico de Almería (PITA)” where the meeting was held. On the following day, the consortium visited the fields and greenhouses located in the region of Almeria. Further information on WEAM4i website.
13- The Advisory Board of SAID project (SmArt water management with Integrated Decision support systems) met in Malaga, Spain on April 26-27th, 2016. Preliminary results from the project were presented to three experts from Albania, Algeria and Portugal that gave their feed-back and advices to the project partners on the Decision Support Systems and the monitoring sensor network set up in Guadalhorce river basin for the management of the complex dam infrastructure. A video presenting the project results has been recorded in parallel to the meeting and will be soon available. Further information on SAID website.
14- After 3 years of successful operation, the Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management (R-KNOW) project will held its closing workshop in Amman (Jordan), on 17/18 May 2016. The partners will discuss the way towards sustainability of national networks established in Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine as well as broader dissemination of case studies, guiding papers and the project knowledge book prepared on the following topics: Governance, Climate change, Water Energy Food Nexus and Sustainable technologies. Further information on Rknow website
15- SWOS is an EC Horizon 2020 project with the aim to develop a monitoring and information service for wetland ecosystems that supports the consideration of wetlands in the implementation of key policy areas. The project has developed several preliminary results derived from satellite imagery for sites in Europe, Asia, and Africa. On 17 March 2016 a user requirements workshop was held in Netherlands, this workshop has engaged stakeholders to jointly develop the user requirements that the SWOS products should comply with in order to improve wetland monitoring and conservation needs. The SWOS team has used this workshop to shape the development of its services and tools. 47 stakeholders and project partners from 18 countries have participated. Further information on SWOS website
16- The General Directorate of Forests (DGF) of Algeria, in partnership with the
Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO), organised a 5-day workshop (17 to 21
April 2016 in Jijel, Algeria) to produce thematic maps on Land Use/Land Cover
(LULC) and Surface Water Dynamics (SWD) for 50 Algerian Ramsar Sites, using the
GlobWetland-II (GW-II) mapping approach that is currently under further
improvements in the frame of the SWOS project. These maps are derived from
Landsat 8 satellite images covering the year 2015, and the nomenclature used for
the land use classification is a hybrid typology that combines the CORINE Land
Cover classes with the Ramsar Classification System of Wetland Type.
Further information
SWOS website
17- Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, visited Algeria on Thursday 7 April 2016, to discuss “the need for a common strategy for the Mediterranean Sea”. On the eve of its journey the Commissioner underlined that “the Mediterranean is a politically, culturally and economically diverse sea-basin having shared resources and potential, vital for the entire region. Healthy ecosystems are vital to keep generating wealth; a healthy Mediterranean Sea where natural richness is used responsibly will enable us to harness the full potential of the blue economy, contributing significantly towards driving regional competitiveness and stability”. The European Commission is looking to intensify regional dialogue and, to this end, increase the role of the Union for the Mediterranean. Further information on EMWIS website
18- On 24 February 2016 the EU Delegation in Algiers announced “the setting up of a national environmental information system (EIS)”, by the National Observatory on the Environment and Sustainable Development (ONEDD). This system was set up as part of an eighteen-month 'twinning' programme funded by the EU (850,000 euros) and implemented with France and Austria. The project has supported ONEDD in improving its operational capabilities and implementing the EIS. It is part of the 'Support programme for implementing the Association Agreement between Algeria and the European Union (P3A)'. A geographical database and a metadata catalog have been set up and are now managed by ONEDD. They represents the 1st components of the EIS. Relationships have been established with data producers to further develop the system. Further information on EMWIS website
19- Jerusalem,
11 April 2016, under the auspices of H.E. Prime Minister Rami Al Hamdallah, the
Government of Japan, in partnership with the Palestinian Water Authority and the
United Nations Development Programme/Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian
People celebrated the closure of the USD 5.8 million cross boundary wastewater
management project in the occupied Palestinian territory. Further information
20- The Rhône Mediterranean and Corsica water agency has allocated 63.7 million euros during the first quarter of 2016 to fund 506 projects over the basin. 21.1 million euros was allocated to sanitation and drinking water, 21.2 million euros attributed to the quantitative management of water resources and the remaining for the restoration of aquatic systems and the reduction of industrial pollution. Further information on EMWIS website
21- On March 31, a basin committee meeting dedicated to climate change and its consequences was held at the Seine Normandy water agency. The climatologist Jean Jouzel, confirmed the average temperature rise of 2 degrees by 2100. Thus, the preparation and implementation of a climate change adaption plan for the Seine watershed is of prime importance. Such plan was launched on 9 February.The Seine River is a particularly sensitive to climate change because of its small size and strong anthropogenic pressures. Further information on EMWIS website
22- The French Minister of Environment, Ségolène Royal has launched on April 26 a tender for the development of small hydro. The objective is to develop approximately a new capacity of 60 MW to boost the sector.Further information on EMWIS website
23- The EU and Egypt inaugurated, on Wednesday 30 March 2016, the third Egyptian Solid Waste Management Forum. The Forum is organised by the EU-funded National Solid Waste Management Programme, which is implemented jointly by Germany’s KfW Development Bank and GIZ, the German international cooperation organisation, in cooperation with the European Commission, which is funding the programme with EUR 20 million. Additional EUR 41 million will be provided by KfW, GIZ and the Government of Egypt. Ambassador James Moran, Head of the European Union Delegation to Egypt explained the benefit of solid waste management by saying that there would be less waste to deal with and limited resources would be put to better use. Moran also noted that the EU is pleased to support Egypt in its efforts to “improve solid waste management as a key step towards a circular economy.” Further information on EMWIS website
24- The Segura River of Spain has just been named the winner of the International River Foundation's 2016 European Riverprize.The International River Foundation (IRF) presented Mr Miguel-Angel Rodenas, President of the Segura River Basin Authority, with the award at a gala dinner held at Vienna City Hall on Thursday 3 March, recognising the river's extraordinary return to health following extensive restoration efforts over the past thirty years.The Segura River Project has successfully restored the health of the river, with advanced waste water schemes now supplying reclaimed water to the agriculture industry which rapidly boomed after Spain became a member of the European Union. This once polluted and water-stressed river in Europe's driest basin has been transformed from an exposed sewer to a healthy, vibrant river, home to otter, migratory birds, and other flora and fauna, and the reuse of irrigation water has allowed increased agricultural, leisure and recreational activities. Further information on EMWIS website
25- A new by-law, requiring that enough water is left in rivers to sustain ecosystems, was passed in Montenegro recently (Official Gazette RCG 2/2016 -14.01.2016). The result follows years of work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, under the leadership of the NGO Green Home and WWF. The law concerns the “ecologically acceptable surface water flow”, which is the amount of water left in an aquatic ecosystem, or released into it, for the specific purpose of maintaining or achieving a good ecological condition. ‘’The concept of ecologically acceptable surface water flow is a way of including nature itself as a user of water. This is to secure the services that those ecosystems usually provide for free and that are often neglected, like water purification and flood protection‘’, said Nataša Kovacevic, NGO Green Home executive director. To establish the best methodology for Montenegro and develop a ‘Rulebook’ Green Home and WWF engaged a multidisciplinary team of experts. Further information on EMWIS website
26- In February the Director of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) presented to KING MOHAMMED VI ,in the context of the Royal Visit in South Provinces of the Kingdom, new projects for drinking water supply and sanitation in the city of Dakhla. The first part related the rehabilitation and extension of sewerage networks is already achieved. The 2nd part, with a budget of 22 MEuros (245 million dirhams) is under study, it aims to implement a waste-water treatment plant. Further information on EMWIS website
27- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the water sector in Mediterranean countries. EBRD launched a call for tender in April 2016 for the rehabilitation of the drinking water distribution network in the centre of Massa and Belfaa in Morocco. This contract under the supervision of ONEE-Water is worth 50 MEuro. The EBRD was established in 1991 in response to major changes in the political and economic climate in central and Eastern Europe following the fall of the Berlin wall. In 2011, in response to the events of the Arab Spring, it agreed to extend its operations into the southern Mediterranean region. The EBRD finances projects, primarily in the private sector, that serve the transition to market economies and pluralistic democratic societies. The Bank is owned by 61 countries, the European Union and the European Investment Bank. Further information on EMWIS website
28- The study "Water 2050 in Tunisia" will be launched this year for a duration of 30 months. "This study will establish an integrated and structured strategy for the water sector in Tunisia ", announced the Minister of agriculture, water resources and fisheries Saad Seddik. He said that the study will facilitate the preparation of master plans and programs of measures. It will respond to water scarcity in Tunisia and establishing a long-term strategy. Further information on EMWIS website
29- The Tunisian Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development DEROUICHE Najib has called urgently, the regional commission of maritime pollution in Sfax to implement a crisis program against marine pollution, following the infiltration of oil on the beach of Sidi Fredj, in Kerkennah. Further information on EMWIS website
30- Lebanon is facing numerous challenges to cope with climate change impacts, in particular when water resources are so closely linked to peace issues in the region. International experts met in Beirut for the conference "Beyond the Paris Summit COP21, adaption policy in the Mediterranean region" on 15 March 2016. Transboundary water resources management was one of the major theme addressed as well as solid waste management as a major source of water pollution. Further information on EMWIS website
31- The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is one of the instruments on NASA’s Terra satellite. Although it is a NASA satellite, the instrument belongs to Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). On the first of April 2016 NASA announced that the full catalog of imagery is being made available to the public at no cost. ASTER is used to create detailed maps of land surface temperature, reflectance and elevation. The instrument acquires images in visible and thermal infrared wavelengths, with spatial resolutions ranging from about 10 to 90 meters. The imagery has a similar resolution to Landsat imagery (approximately 30 m per pixel), so is suitable for viewing only large scale phenomena. As with Landsat imagery its best use would be to see current events before other satellite imagery becomes available. Further information on EMWIS website
32-Morocco Elected Chair of Sahara-Sahel Observatory: Morocco was elected chair of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (SSO) for a four-year mandate during the 20th Board of Directors of this organization and its 5th General Assembly (GA), held in Rabat on April 25-27. Besides the election of the Kingdom to the presidency of this organization in the person of High Commissioner for Water, Forests and the fight against Desertification, Adeladim Lhafi, France was elected first vice-president, while second and third vice-presidents have been assigned to Niger and Sudan respectively. Further information on EMWIS website
33-New Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation in Egypt: Mohamed Abdel Aaty replaced Mohamed Moghazi. Abdel Aaty was working at the World Bank prior to his appointment. He also served as head of the Nile Water sector responsible for cooperation with Nile Basin countries. Further information on EMWIS website
34- Job Vacancy: WSUP Advisory is seeking a highly motivated WASH professional committed to improving WASH services to low-income consumers in cities of the developing world through the provision of commercially viable and sustainable consulting services. Further information on EMWIS website
Job Vacancy: A WASH Emergency
Program Manager: Since the middle of 2013, the Jordanian borders have in effect
been closed, which marked the start of a small number of asylum seekers starting
to settle near the North Eastern border. From October 2015, displaced Syrians
(mainly from Homs, Aleppo and Daraa) started amassing on the North Eastern
Jordanian border seeking refuge in the country. Specifically, the displaced
people have been settling on a small strip of land referred to as the Berm. To
date, estimates indicate that more than 50,000 people live in harsh conditions
with very little access to humanitarian assistance. This situation may be
currently considered as one of the most acute crisis in the world. Further
information on EMWIS
36- New ASCE Book Provides Fundamentals of Water Engineering: Water Engineering with the Spreadsheet: A Workbook for Water Resources Calculations Using Excel, by Ashok Pandit, gives students a solid foundation in using spreadsheets for water engineering. This workbook prepares students for the fundamentals of water engineering and exams; practitioners will also find the ready-to-use spreadsheets convenient for professional practice. Further information on EMWIS website
37-OECD report: Water Governance in Cities Urban, demographic and climate trends are increasingly exposing cities to risks of having too little, too much and too polluted water. Building on a survey of 48 cities in OECD countries and emerging economies, the report analyses key factors affecting urban water governance, discusses trends in allocating roles and responsibilities across levels of government, and assesses multi-level governance gaps in urban water management. It provides a framework for mitigating territorial and institutional fragmentation and raising the profile of water in the broader sustainable development agenda, focusing in particular on the contribution of metropolitan governance, rural-urban partnerships and stakeholder engagement. Further information on EMWIS website
38- 2016 UN World Water Development Report, Water and Jobs: Three out of four of the jobs worldwide are water-dependent. In fact, water shortages and lack of access may limit economic growth in the years to come, according to the 2016 United Nations World Water Development Report, Water and Jobs, which was launched on 22 March, World Water Day, in Geneva. In its analysis of the economic impact of access to water, the report cites numerous studies that show a positive correlation between investments in the water sector and economic growth. It also highlights the key role of water in the transition to a green economy. Further information on EMWIS website
39- Earth Observation for Water Resources Management: Current Use and Future Opportunities for the Water Sector: This book describes some key global water challenges, perspectives for remote sensing approaches, and their importance for water resources-related activities. It presents eight key types of water resources management variables, a list of sensors that can produce such information, and a description of existing data products with examples. This book provides a series of practical guidelines that can be used by project leaders to decide whether remote sensing may be useful for the problem at hand and suitable data sources to consider if so. The book concludes with a review of the literature on reliability statistics of remote-sensed estimations. Further information on EMWIS website
40-ERANETMED: Call for research proposals on Environmental challenges and solutions for vulnerable communities, themes : 1. “Land &Water/ Food” and Environment (Call identifier RQ1-2016) 2. Energy and Environment (Call identifier RQ2-2016) 3.“Climate/demographic change” and Environment (Call identifier RQ3-2016) 4. “Societies/Ecosystems” and Environment (Call identifier RQ4-2016). Deadline: 30 May 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
41- FP4BATIW launches the third call for R2B2R mobility schemes: The FP4BATIW project opens a new call of travel bursaries from MPC to EU to promote the EU & MPC individuals’ mobility as well as encourage contacts between institutions to joint participation in the H2020 programme. The call includes 2 different mobility programs: The first program is addressed to companies, entrepreneurs and researchers from the MPC countries willing to participate in mission in Barcelona which will include the visit to several institutions related to water treatment issues, as well as, the participation on the final conference of the FP4BATIW Project. The mission will take part on July 2016. The second mobility program is addressed to experts on water treatment sector from EU countries willing to participate in a mission in Egypt to assist companies to solve their water treatment issues. The mission will generate an exchange of good practices, as well as to foster relationships beyond the project. If by the end of the application deadline it is observed a reduced number of applications to Egypt, the Management Board will consider to increase the number of offered missions to Barcelona. Deadline for application: 15 May 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/01 - 2017/09/01] UEA MSc in Water Security & International Development. The Water Security Research Centre at the University of East Anglia is accepting applications for the September 2016. The MSc is the flagship of the Water Security Research Centre, which calls upon more than 30 water scientists based at UEA and specialist teaching staff at the forefront of water research. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/08/22 - 2016/08/25] SH2O 2016 SUMMER SCHOOL: SmartH2O is organizing a Summer School and Symposium on Smart Systems for Urban Water Demand Management. The event will be held on August 22-25 in the Monte Verità, Switzerland. The focus will be on managing household water demand using ICT and smart economics: from monitoring consumption with innovative smart meters, to profiling users’ behaviour, to understanding how different stimuli can nudge behavioral changes, and, finally, how integrated ICT solutions can be adopted by water utilities. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/20 - 2016/06/24] Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners short course: Participants will acquire a variety of tools and analytical frameworks from a variety of disciplines and an extended understanding of this key national and global issue. They will leave the course with an ability to critically assess and address current water security policy, to gain an appreciation of the relations between water security and energy, climate, food, human and national security. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/13 - 2016/06/24] Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS): Water, Climate and Society. The annual Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) will from June 13-24, 2016 create a multidisciplinary venue for exploring one of the greatest challenges of this time: water. Seven parallel courses spanning disciplines from the natural and social sciences to the humanities are offered. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/25 - 2016/09/29] 43rd IAH CONGRESS 25-29th September, 2016 le Corum. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/26 - 2016/09/27] IDA’s First Conference Focused on Water Reuse. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/25 - 2016/09/27] 3 rd International Conference & Exhibition on Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (SWSSC 2016). Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/21 - 2016/09/23] WATEC Italy 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/14 - 2016/09/16] Hydropower Development: Europe 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/14 - 2016/09/16] IWA Conference, Athens, 14-16 September 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/09/04 - 2016/09/09] IWA Specialist Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/08/29 - 2016/08/30] Wastewater Egypt 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/08/21 - 2016/08/26] HIC2016 - 12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics: "Smart Water for the Future". Further information on EMWIS website
2016/07/27 - 2016/07/29] 4th IAHR Europe Congress: Sustainable hydraulics in the era of global change. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/07/05 - 2016/07/08] GI_Forum 2016 – open:spatial:interfaces. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/07/04 - 2016/07/06] Accessing Water in Africa: emerging paradigms between risks, resiliences and new solidarities International Conference. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/07/04 - 2016/07/08] 28th IAHR symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IAHR. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/30 - 2016/07/03] The 6th Annual International Conference of Environment (iCE 2016). Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/28 - 2016/07/07] 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/28 - 2016/06/30] International conference on Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/28 - 2016/06/30] 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/21 - 2016/06/23] Water Innovation Europe 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/15 - 2016/06/16] UNDERSTANDING THE WATER-ENERGY-FOOD NEXUS. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/14 - 2016/06/15] The 4th meeting IFTS - WATER 2016 Water Reuse. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/06/13 - 2016/06/17] 13th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies (LET 2016). Further information on EMWIS
[2016/06/01 - 2016/06/04]10th World General Assembly of INBO: from 1st to 4th june 2016 in Merida (Mexico). Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/31 - 2016/06/03] CaribDA 2016 Biennial Conference & Exposition. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/25 - 2016/05/26] The International Exhibition of Water -HydroGaïa. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/22 - 2016/05/26] Desalination for the Environment, Clean Water and Energy. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/24 - 2016/05/25] Workshop "Tourism and Sustainable Development". Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/22 - 2016/05/26] Desalination for the Environment, Clean Water and Energy. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/19 - 2016/05/20] Emerging pollutants in the environment: A challenge for water resource management. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/19 - 2016/05/19] 2016 Water JPI CONFERENCE IN ROME ON 19 MAY 2016. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/18 - 2016/05/18] International Cooperation and Regional Clusters: innovation in water efficiency May 18th, Brussels. Further information on EMWIS website
[2016/05/31 - 2016/06/03] CaribDA 2016 Biennial Conference & Exposition. Further information on EMWIS website
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satellite data, etc)
- This is a monthly Flash provided by the EMWIS Technical Unit (sent to: 30
000 subscribers),
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- The EMWIS Flash gives you regular and quality information on the water sector
in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The main headlines are: Institutions,
Documentation, Training, Research and Development, Data Administration. You will
also find updates on: international events, relevant web sites, the Euro-Med
Water programme of the European Commission, and much more ...
- This Flash exists also in French and Arabic, you can view it and also the
previous issues in our website.
- This Flash is also yours, please give us your comments and information to
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EMWIS Technical Unit.