Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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HTML Document Work Programme for 2005

Released 10/04/2006

AfDB African Development Bank
CARDS Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization
DG Directorate General (of the Commission of the European Union)
EECCA Eastern Europe , Caucasus and Central Asia
EIB European Investment Bank
EMWIS The Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector
EU European Union
EUWI European Union Water Initiative (or sometimes referred as simply the Initiative)
FEMIP Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment Partnership
FYROM Former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia
GEF Global Environment Facility
GWP-Med Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean
IFIs International Financial Institutes
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
MAP/UNEP The Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MED EUWI Mediterranean Component of the European Union Water Initiative
MIO - ECSDE Mediterranean Information Office
NAMCOW North Africa Ministerial Council on Water (under the AMCOW)
NSSDs National Strategies for Sustainable Development
ODA Official Development Aid
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
PRSPs Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
WFD Water Framework Directive (of the European Union)
WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development


The present document, entitled MED EUWI Work Programme 2005 is linked to the three-year MED EUWI Activity Plan (amended as appropriate), specifying activities that will be implemented in 2005. The Activity Plan, prepared and discussed in 2004, provides the overall background of the EUWI and MED EUWI, including its development goals, programmatic objectives and outputs.

The Work Programme 2005 focuses on nine (9) specific Activities corresponding to five (5) programmatic objectives, out of the nine (9) Objectives elaborated in the Activity Plan.

The identification of the priority programmatic objectives and the related activities suggested in the draft Work Programme 2005 was made:
a. in line with the defined MED EUWI priorities, as they are presented in the Activity Plan.
b. following consultations held in 2004 with various stakeholders in the EU and the Mediterranean. The consultations included government representatives from EU and partner countries; EU Commission services, including DG ENV, AIDCO and RES; EU and non-EU funding institutions; and water stakeholders.
c. aiming for a rational financial breakdown. The latter is presented in the attached tables as 'secured', 'tentative' or 'under negotiation' (these terms are used to distinguish between funds committed, funds which allocation is still pending and funds for the allocation of which possibilities still need to be explored). Cooperation and funding prospects by the EU Commission (primarily AIDCO, and recently RES) are underway, while France and Italy have expressed interest to support activities within MED EUWI.

The draft Work Programme 2005, was presented at the 4th Meeting of the Mediterranean Multistakeholder Working Group, 17 January 2005, in Brussels. It was enriched by points raised during the meeting and finalized incorporating comments and inputs received afterwards.

Part A of the 2005 Work Programme makes reference to the general context, setting and modalities of MED EUWI, while Part B describes in detail the proposed activities to be undertaken (commenced and/or implemented) in 2005. These Activities are also presented in the Annexed consolidated Table. ToR (or Project Descriptions) are available for Activities the implementation of which has started or is under-way.

A. The Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative

A.1. Introduction

The European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) was established as a key contribution to the implementation of the WSSD agreements and programme of action and to help achieve water-related MDGs and WSSD targets, providing a platform for strategic partnerships.

The Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative (MED EUWI) shares all its objectives and it seeks to make significant progress in poverty eradication and health, in the enhancement of livelihoods, and in sustainable economic development in the Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe. It also seeks to serve as a catalyst for peace and security in the region.

A.2. Objectives

The main objectives of the MED EUWI are to create a higher efficiency of water-related development by providing a platform to co-ordinate and streamline existing and future activities, aiming to:

  • Reinforce political commitment to action and raise the profile of water and sanitation with view to poverty reduction
  • Promote better water governance arrangements including stronger partnerships between public and private sectors and local stakeholders and build institutional capacity
  • Improve co-ordination and co-operation moving towards sector wide approaches, assisting multi-stakeholder processes to reinforce partnerships for action
  • Develop regional and sub-regional co-operation by assisting in the application of integrated water resources management including transboundary waters to contribute to sustainable development and conflict prevention.
  • Develop additional and innovative funding mechanisms and catalyze additional funding.

A.3. Partnerships and Modalities

MED EUWI is open to all partners willing to commit to the objectives, targets, and guiding principles, having genuine willingness to work with others seeking practical solutions. Partnership refers to partnership between the EU and the Mediterranean and Southeastern European countries as well as partnership between government, civil society and the private sector. Non-EU donors and international organisations (including the OECD, UN Organisations and Agencies, IFIs etc) are also invited and encouraged to joint the Initiative.

In line with the general Organisational Framework and Modalities for the EUWI, a regional Multi-Stakeholder Working Group guides the development of the MED EU WI and of its priorities for action while a Multi-Stakeholder Forum provides related advise. The Component is led by the government of Greece (Ministry for Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works and Ministry of Foreign Affairs). A MED EUWI Secretariat, within the Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean Secretariat, provides technical support and day-by day running.

Political commitment for the development of MED EUWI has been already expressed at various Ministerial Conferences and Meetings, inter alia: the EU Informal Council of Environment Ministers (May 2003, Athens), 5th Pan-European Ministerial Conference of the "Environment for Europe" process (May 2003, Kiev), Euro-Mediterranean Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs (May 2003, Crete), two meetings of the North African Ministers Council on Water (February and October 2003, Cairo) as well as at the EU Council of Environment Ministers (December 2003).

A.4. Geographical context

The area of activity of MED EUWI comprises, the following non-EU Partner Countries:

In the South and East Mediterranean - Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

In the Southeastern Europe - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia and Montenegro as well as Bulgaria and Romania which have currently a special status in relation to the EU (accession countries).

The following Map presents the area of activity of MED EUWI.

A.4. Themes

Τhe MED EUWI focuses on the following Themes:

Sectoral Theme1 (TH-1) Water supply and sanitation, with emphasis on the poorest part of the societies.
Theme 2 (TH-2) Integrated water resources management, with emphasis on management of transboundary and national water bodies.
Theme 3 (TH-3) Water, food and environment interaction, with emphasis on fragile ecosystems.
Theme 4 (TH-4) Non-conventional water resources.
Cross-cutting Theme 5 (TH-5) Transfer of technology, transfer of know how, capacity building and training
Theme 6 (TH-6) Education

A three-year MED EUWI Activity Plan has been elaborated and discussed among competent stakeholders in 2004. Its purpose was to translate the agreed Themes into interrelated Programmatic Objectives, Outputs and specific Actions, where possible according to available resources and interest from partners and donors.

The Programmatic Objectives that have been defined in the Activity Plan were nine (9); these are divided to four (4) Thematic (1-4) and five Horizontal (5-9) Objectives. The MED EUWI Programmatic Objectives are:


Objectives 1-4 respond to respective priority Themes identified as areas of implementation during the MED EUWI Preparatory Phase. Their related Outputs described in the Activity Plan are mainly developed through small scale pilot demonstration activities aimed to be implemented at national and local levels, supported by regional / national baseline assessments.

Objective 1 (OBJ-1) Initiate programme on water supply and sanitation, with emphasis on the poorest parts of the society
Objective 2 (OBJ-2) Initiate programme to support national and transboundary IWRM plans
Objective 3 (OBJ-3) Initiate programme to support sustainable water use in agriculture and its integrated management for sensitive water ecosystems
Objective 4 (OBJ-4) Initiate programme on non-conventional water resources


Objectives 5-9 respond to horizontal priorities of the EUWI aiming to assist in building the knowledge basis, facilitating better coordination and enhancing effectiveness through activities at the regional and national levels.

Objective 5 (OBJ-5) Strengthen underlying institutions and build capacity
Objective 6 (OBJ-6) Improve coordination between the actors involved in water resources management at the country level
Objective 7 (OBJ-7) Enhance funding for the supply, management and development of water resources and sanitation
Objective 8 (OBJ-8) Improve transfer of technology and the use of existing and new scientific knowledge to achieve water-related MDGs
Objective 9 (OBJ-9) Promote education on water issues

The following table presents the framework linking the MED EUWI Themes with the Programmatic Objectives.

Thematic Programmatic Objectives Themes Horizontal Programmatic Objectives
OBJ-1 . Initiate programme on water supply and sanitation, with emphasis on the poorest parts of the society

Water Supply & Sanitation

OBJ-5. Strengthen underlying institutions and build capacity


OBJ-2. Initiate programme to support national and transboundary IWRM plans

Integrated Water Resources Managemen

OBJ-6. Improve coordination between the actors involved in water resources management at the country level
OBJ-3. Initiate programme to support sustainable water use in agriculture and its integrated management for sensitive water ecosystems

Water, Food and Environment

OBJ-7. Enhance funding for the supply, management and development of water resources, and sanitation
OBJ-4. Initiate programme on non-conventional water resources

Non-Conventional Water Resources


Technology transfer and capacity building

OBJ-8. Improve transfer of technology and the use of existing and new scientific knowledge to achieve water MDGs


OBJ-9. Promote education on water issues

A.5. Expected results

The MED EWI gives particular emphasis to the regional priorities of the Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe, within the EUWI overall scope. These priorities, needs and strategies are defined in partnership with governments, the Commission and major stakeholders, targeting to

  • assist design of better, demand driven and output oriented water related programmes,
  • facilitate better coordination of water programmes and projects, targeting more effective use of existing funds and mobilization of new financial resources and,
  • enhanced cooperation for project's proper implementation, based on peer review and strategic assessment.

MED EUWI is expected to contribute to major processes in the region ie. the New Neighbourhood Initiative, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development, etc.

In addition, a Joint Process between the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and MED EUWI has been launched within 2004. The Joint Process is a tool for combining EU and non-EU expertise and means under the umbrella of the EUWI to facilitate the implementation of sound water policies.

Key areas where the MED EUWI could make a difference are likely to include:

  • Promoting water as a cornerstone of sustainable development
  • Raising the programmatic profile of water in PRSPs and NSSDs of partner countries
  • Coordinating funding for water in a better way among the partners of the Initiative
  • Linking together the wide range of financing ideas, networks and mechanisms that currently exist for water in the Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe so as to cover gaps and needs in partner countries
  • Supporting better project preparation facilities
  • Supporting the elaboration of a wider range of models for water sector restructuring in addition to involving private sector participation by competent international operators.

B. MED EUWI Work Programme 2005

B.1. Overall

The present document is linked to the three-year Activity Plan (adopted in 2004 and amended as appropriate), identifying the specific Outputs and Activities that will commence or will be implemented in 2005.

The Work Programme 2005 focus is on five (5) Programmatic Objectives out of the overall nine (9) outlined in the three-year Activity Plan:

Objective 2 (OBJ-2) Initiate programme to support national and transboundary IWRM plans
Objective 4 (OBJ-4) Strengthen underlying institutions and build capacity
Objective 5 (OBJ-5) Improve coordination between the actors involved in water resources management at the country level
Objective 7 (OBJ-7) Enhance funding for the supply, management and development of water resources and sanitation
Objective 8 (OBJ-8) Improve transfer of technology and the use of existing and new scientific knowledge to achieve water-related MDGs

The identification of the Programmatic Objectives and their related Outputs and Activities to be tackled in 2005 was made according to the defined MED EUWI priorities and financial resources available or pending for this year. The classification used for funds as "secured, tentative or under negotiation" intends to distinguish between funds committed, funds which allocation is still pending and funds for the allocation of which possibilities still need to be explored.

The Work Programme 2005 distinguishes between regional activities and country based activities. For the national activities, division is also made to those that will be implemented in South & East Mediterranean counties and those aimed for Southeastern European countries.

B.2. Regional Actions

Objective 2
Initiate programme to support national and transboundary IWRM plans
ACT-2005- 1 Assessment of Regional and National Frameworks to Implement IWRM in the South & East Mediterranean and Southeast Europe

The assessment aims to provide a status description and comparative analysis of regional and national frameworks for implementation of IWRM principles in countries of MED EUWI in the South & East Mediterranean (11 countries) and Southeastern Europe (7 countries).

Following preparation and approval of terms of reference, this desk study (including survey visits where required) will review by country the achievements and present status of policy, institutional, legal/regulatory and economic/financial instruments and accomplishments for national level application of IWRM. Transboundary issues will also be considered, as appropriate.

The assessment will present, inter alia, the extent of fragmentation or integration in the country with respect to water resources planning, allocation, regulatory and management decisions. Moreover, it will present concrete steps in terms of obtaining political commitment and acceptance at senior management levels, getting policies approved, establishing legal, institutional and financial arrangements and implementation, public participation and capacity building processes.

It will also identify types of interventions and - where possible - concrete actions, that should be taken on a country cooperative and/or individual basis to more fully address IWRM in planning and management programs. Brief descriptions of lessons learned and good practices in applying IWRM in countries of the region will be part of the assessment.

The assessment will be elaborated based on IWRM principles, guidelines and background developed by spesialised and competent international organizations and institutions. It would also make reference to the EU WFD concept and requirements as well as to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, where applicable.

Among other, the activity responds to the priorities of the Athens and Petersberg Processes on integrated management of shared waters in the region. The activity will build on existing work and cooperate with on-going initiatives like the assessments of UNDP/Arab Water Council/CEDARE and GWP-Med/CEDARE. In terms of financial support to the activity, Greece is exploring possibilities for providing a start up budget for the commencement of the activity.

Objective 2
Initiate programme to support national and transboundary IWRM plans
ACT-2005- 2 Baseline Assessment of Regional and National Frameworks to Implement IWRM - The WFD/EUWI Joint Process

The Joint WFD/EUWI process aims at developing synergies between the two mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of sound water policies. That means, in EU countries, facilitate the implementation of the WFD and in other countries, facilitate the development of good water management practices, which is a prerequisite for sustainable drinking water and sanitation projects, and therefore, a contribution to the achievement of the water-related MDGs.

Sharing experiences between countries or basin authorities belonging to the same ecoregions and thus facing similar challenges could facilitate the implementation of water management policies.

The Med Joint Process encourages the establishment of a network of water experts, volunteers for sharing their own difficulties and ready to get experiences from other basins or countries.

To achieve this objective, the Med Joint Process aims at developing a mechanism to ensure the flow of information and knowledge between water managers / experts from both sides of the Mediterranean.

The role that Med Pilot River Basins could play is of particular interest in this framework. They cover a broad scope of problems frequently encountered in the North Mediterranean countries. But similar situations are encountered also in the Southern and Eastern border of the Mediterranean Sea, exacerbated by additional factors such as intensive and increasing demand for irrigation purposes, faster growing population and improvement of standard of living.

The experience gained by the Med PRB, particularly on the development of River Basin Management Plan could be valuable for other basins in the area. On the other side, specific know-how already developed by non-EU countries facing the same challenges could bring interesting solutions for EU basins and thus could facilitate the implementation of the WFD.

Three Working groups are created on the following issues:

  • Water scarcity management;
  • Groundwater management;
  • Linking rural development and agriculture to water management.
Objective 2
Initiate programme to support national and transboundary IWRM plans
ACT-2005- 3 Sub-Regional Activities for enhancing the status of national IWRM planning in South Mediterranean (North African countries)

Many countries in the South Mediterranean (North Africa) sub-region, are currently in a stage of institutional reform, orienting priorities and practices towards an IWRM approach, with various levels of planning and implementation.

With a focus in the countries of North Africa, the proposed activities will take stock and build upon the findings of ACT-2005-1 on the current status of national IWRM planning and the countries' readiness to respond to the IWRM Target of WSSD.

A regional workshop will be organized providing a platform among policy makers and technical experts for exchange of experiences on lessons learned and good practices on key IWRM planning issues and assisting in identifying priorities, challenges and gaps for the effective implementation of the national IWRM plans.

Furthermore, the activities will assist the host country (Morocco) to progress on its national dialogue on IWRM planning, will facilitate a meeting of the North African Ministers Council for Water (NAMCOW), and will raise awareness on MED EUWI and on the African Water Facility, recently launched by the AMCOW and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Terms of reference for the activity have been developed. The activity will be primarily supported by the African Development Bank.

Objective 4
Strengthen underlying institutions and build capacity
ACT-2005- 4 Capacity building for decision makers and experts on integrated shared water resources management in Southeast Europe

Ninety percent of water resources in Southeastern Europe countries fall within shared river basins and international lakes while more than half of these waters are shared by three of more riparian countries. Water quantity and quality management, navigation, management of emergencies and balancing of conflicting interests are among the main challenges encountered in the region. These issues are becoming more complex because of the differences in socio-ecomonic and cultural conditions, geography, managing institutions and laws among countries.

Building and sustaining capacity within water and water-related institutions at technical, institutional, legislative and managerial levels, emerges as a cornerstone for promoting effective implementation of IWRM concepts, tools and policies. In this respect, developing and disseminating capacity building programs through training materials, toolkits or document which address specific concerns of a range of stakeholders at sub-national, national and regional levels, present effective tools for accumulating, sharing and using relevant knowledge in the field.

The activity includes:

(i) An assessment of the current status of transboundary river basins and international lakes in Southeastern Europe: The assessment will provide information about physical and socio-economic characteristics of major shared water bodies; will describe impacts, uses, needs and demands, as well as, key managerial aspects, achievements, challenges and constraints for each area; and will provide recommendations for priority action to be undertaken.

(ii) The organisation of three (3) capacity building workshops, of 3 days duration each: Each workshop will have a focus on a specific transboundary river (eg. Neretva, Sava, Drina) or lake (eg. Prespa, Ohrid) and one specific theme (eg. legal basis for cooperation, organisation of joint management commissions, financing joint management, access to information and public participation). The workshops will be hosted by different countries of the region and by competent joint river or lake commissions.

(iii) The development of related capacity building material for the participants, according to the selected priority themes: The material will draw on experiences of the international community and local expertise developed in shared water bodies of the region. It will comprise of an introduction to the theme, case studies and presentations developed by local experts and copies of existing key technical and awareness material on the theme addressed.

(iv) The set-up and facilitation of an information exchange network on shared waters in Southeastern Europe, aiming to strengthen communication between decision makers and experts and assist in experience sharing on related issues.

The activity is part of the GEF IW:LEARN Portfolio 2004-2006 and it is primarily supported (financially of in kind) by GEF IW:LEARN, Germany, Greece, GWP-Med and the World Bank. Terms of reference for the project have been developed.

Pending on availability of financial resources and interest by donors, the Activity could be further expanded to cover also countries of South & East Mediterranean.

Objective 7
Enhance funding for the supply, management and development of water resources and sanitation
ACT-2005- 5 Assessment and methodological framework for the financial requirements to meet MDGs/WSSD targets related to WSS in the South & East Mediterranean and Southeast Europe

The assessment aims to provide an estimate of the expenditures needed to achieve the MDG/WSSD targets for water supply and sanitation, while adequately maintain existing infrastructure. The expenditure needs to be estimated will be divided by type of expenditure, country and sector as relates to water supply and sanitation. A preliminary estimate of the costs of IWRM (on a country level) and estimate of the available finance for IWRM could also be possibly delivered.

In addition, the assessment will provide an estimate of already available finance in the sector and realistic forecasts of the future supply of finance according to different policy options (e.g. revenues from charges, expenditure from public budgets, international donor grants and ODA loans from donors / IFIs, financing by private sector etc).

Recommendations on financing strategies for achieving the targets in the MED EWI partner countries might also be part of the assessment as well as proposals on legal and institutional reforms needed to achieve the targets.

Terms of reference are available, elaborated together with the OECD (EAP Task Force). The ToRs foresee in depth work in four countries (2 in South & East Mediterranean and 2 in Southeastern Europe) and extrapolation of the results to cover all the MED EUWI partner countries. The ToRs also include country visits and coordination workshops to overview progress. The methodological part of the assessment will be elaborated in coordination with and largely benefit by the corresponding activity foreseen within other Components of the EUWI.

It should be noted that this is an extended assessment, with budget requirements that exceed the present capacity of the Component. Therefore, there might be need to adjust to resources availability. In this context, Greece is exploring possibilities for providing a start up budget for the commencement of the activity.

Objective 7
Enhance funding for the supply, management and development of water resources and sanitation
ACT-2005- 6 Strengthening long term sustainable financing for the environment and water resources in the Mediterranean

In the short and medium term international loans and donors may play a strong role as a catalyst to strengthen and improve environmental and water related action. However, building financial arrangements, that, in the long run, will facilitate affordable sustainable financing for the environmental and water sectors will have to rely mainly on optimization of domestic resource mobilization, allocation and management. A survey of existing and potential financing mechanisms in the region will provide the background for this process (in coordination with ACT-2005-5).

The study, together with additional on going work on innovative financing from the region (under ACT-2005-5) will be presented at a regional workshop between Ministries of Finance/Economy, Water Resources and Environment (the participation of regional and out-of-region donors and IFIs is also explored) to facilitate awareness building and discussion and demonstrate long term financing mechanisms. It is envisaged that such a workshop may progressively be developed into a regional network or process to facilitate domestic solutions for strengthening the long term financing and provide advice in implementation of national action programmes to achieve the MDG and WSSD targets.

A concept note has been developed by UNEP/GPA. Financial support for the activity is under negotiation with UNEP/MAP and GEF.

Objective 8
Improve transfer of technology and the use of existing and new scientific knowledge to achieve water-related MDGs
ACT-2005- 7 Transfer of results from EC RTD activities towards South & East Mediterranean countries

The European Commission have been funding a wide range of Research, Training and Development (RTD) projects related to water issues that have and are still generating varied information and knowledge resources. Most of these projects are outlined on EUWI website set up by the DG Research ( The development of a more dynamic service to access relevant projects is also under development. But it will be necessary to localise this information (without duplicating it) in order to make it easier to comprehend and utilised by water stakeholders from the partner countries. This will be done through explanatory notes, taking into account the local culture and needs. A briefing document on the instruments and opportunities available for the South & East Mediterranean countries to exploit the results of EC RTD activities will also be prepared in close cooperation with EC services.

Ongoing and completed projects will be analyzed to prepare overviews of EU funded RTD activities taking place (or completed) in each South & East Mediterranean country. These overviews will be published online and disseminated to public authorities of the concerned countries, international donors etc.

Finally, a preliminary mapping of the results of EC RTD projects with South & East Mediterranean countries will be established on the basis of existing information, i.e. results published by the EC and country needs expressed in their national strategic plans.

Detailed terms of reference are pending. Financial support for the project will be negotiated with DG Research and EU Member States.

B.3. National Actions

Objective 5
Improve coordination between the actors involved in water resources management at the country level
ACT-2005- 8 Country dialogues for prioritization of national needs related to water ODA and identification of existing gaps

Country dialogues will be organised in at least two countries of South & East Mediterranean, aiming to facilitate a multi-stakeholder consultation with emphasis on water supply and sanitation and IWRM, primarily for :
- identifying gaps and emerging deficiencies in current priorities and implementation processes to achieve MDGs / WSSD targets.
- identifying insufficiencies and bottlenecks in key prerequisites posed by donors for investments in the country, on the water sector.

In the long term the national policy dialogues are expected to contribute to:

  • higher reliance on the recipient countries own planning, priorities and strategies,
  • implementation of truly demand driven activities,
  • introduction of new modalities for cooperation,
  • harmonization of donor procedures,
  • implementation through national institutions and making use of existing knowledge and skills and identification of gaps in knowledge and capacity jeopardising future impact;
  • joint donor-supported programmes for capacity building and interventions in countries with weak institutions,
  • piloting of innovative financing mechanisms, and
  • a better socio-economic justification for increased spending on water sector development.

Discussions will be based on a brief background assessment that will describe current status of WSS situation and IWRM application. It will provide basic country data, status of water sector reform, governance and institutional capacities, gaps, types of priority interventions to be made and financing mechanisms to support them. The assessment will largely benefit from ACT-2005-1 and ACT-2005-3. Survey / interview visit(s) and a kick-off meeting will be organised as appropriate.

The findings of the dialogues will be transfer into a roadmap to achieve the water related MDGs and to guide further donor planning. The roadmap should include identification of the implementation capacity (knowledge, people and institutional assets) available in the country at national and local level that are already mobilised or could realistically become so and should include a broad financing strategy to support the roadmap.

The host country's government will be expected to act as or mandate a convenor for the multi-stakeholder forum and to ensure an anchorage of the process within their national institutional structure. The multi-stakeholder fora could be repeated annually to monitor progress, review and update the roadmap.

Exchange of experiences between the Mediterranean and the African country dialogues will be facilitated.

Detailed terms of reference are pending. Financial support for the project will be negotiated with EU Member States and the EU Commission (e.g. DG AIDCO).

Objective 8
Improve transfer of technology and the use of existing and new scientific knowledge to achieve water-related MDGs
ACT-2005- 9 National awareness workshops on access to water knowledge

Participation of water user communities in local water governance is an asset, but to be efficient such participatory approach requires transparent information channels. New information and communication technologies have proven their effectiveness for applications such as online democracy or more generally electronic government at local (e.g. for urban governance) and national levels. The implementation of the WFD in the various EU member states is facilitated thanks to on line tools (survey, pools, strategic document commentaries, etc.) complementing more classical dialogue activities.

Two (2) national workshops will be organized in selected countries of the South & East Mediterranean to review the information needs and requirements of targeted stakeholders and user groups and to ensure their participation in the development of publicly accessed databases on water information. It will result in a set of recommendations on potential use of new Information Society Technologies to improve access to water knowledge and participatory approach to local water governance.

Detailed terms of reference are pending. Financial support for the project will be negotiated with DG Research and EU Member States.

B.4. Coordination and Administration

The MED EUWI is open to all partners willing to commit to its objectives, targets, and guiding principles, having genuine willingness to work with others seeking practical solutions. Implementation of activities build on existing and on-going work undertaken by partners while cooperation and complementarity is sought. MED EUWI follows closely and responds to the modalities and procedures of the overall EUWI.

The organizational structure of MED EUWI is based on a light structure aiming to effectively ensure the multi-stakeholder participation in its activities. It includes:

  1. an advisory Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MStF)
  2. guiding and decision making Working Group (WG), chaired by the co-Lead Countries
  3. a Secretariat to provide support and ensure smooth running.

A detailed description of the "Organisational Framework and Modalities of MED EUWI" is presented in a separate document.

Two meetings of the Working Group and one meeting of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum are foreseen within 2005. The first meeting of the Working Group, in 2005, took place on 17 January 2005, in Brussels and the second will be organized on 22 June, in Athens.

Financial support for the functioning of the organizational structure and administration are currently provided by Greece.

B.5. Communication

EUWI, under the leadership of Austria and the EU Commission, has developed an Information System. In the Mediterranean, EMWIS facilitates information exchange on water resources.

MED EUWI Secretariat in collaboration with EMWIS, will elaborate a MED EWI Communication Strategy that will provide advice on communicating effectively MED EUWI's concept, messages and progress as well as on ways for raising its visibility in the Mediterranean and Southeast Europe. This activity will focus on communication tools and products to be developed/produced, target audiences to be approached identifying their specificities, strategic alliances to be sought and existing communication platforms to be used.

B.6. Finance

The development and basic running of the MED EUWI require financial resources which involve support for:

  • Start up and implementation of the set of activities foreseen in the present Work Programme 2005
  • establishment of links and exploring possibilities for launching additional activities within the MED EUWI scope
  • functioning of the organizational structure and modalities.

The financial resources needed for the implementation of the Work Programme 2005 could be borne by EU Member States (including Greece/Lead country of MED EUWI), the EU Commission and/or other international donors who have already or anticipated to commit themselves to support suggested activities and functions or even propose more actions related to the MED EUWI scope. In this context, Greece, as lead country of the MED EUWI, is aiming at providing the financial support to cover the horizontal activities of the Component, including from own funds.

As it is clear, the EUWI is not a financial institution but a facilitating process. Implementation of activities entailing capital investment are not part of the present Work Programme 2005, though operational links shall be sought. The EU Member States and the EC have already established a related process through bilateral programmes and agreements to support these.

B.7. Risks

As main risks for the proper evolution and implementation of the Work Programme 2005, the following could be identified:

  • Failure to mobilize sufficient funds to commence the process in a credible manner.
  • Inadequate response from governments of the partner countries and key stakeholders
  • Failure or change in priorities of key institutions involved in the management and coordination of activities to deliver.



Reference Documents


1. Operation Plan of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative. MED EUWI, July 2003.

2. Activity Plan of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative. MED EUWI, March 2004.

3. Organisational Framework and Modalities of the EU Water Initiative. EU Commission, July 2004.

4. Discussion Document on the Joint Water Framework Directive / EU Water Initiative Process - Strategy and 2005 Work Programme. EU Commission, November 2004.

5. Comments and contributions by partner organisations during Working Group Meetings and on-going consultations.

Activity related

6. Regional Workshop on the status of national IWRM planning in South Mediterranean (North African countries) (ACT-2005-3), Project Description, submitted to the African Development Bank, August 2004.

7. Capacity building for decision makers and experts on integrated shared water resources management in Southeast Europe (ACT-2005-4), Project Description, submitted to GEF IW:LEARN, September 2004.

8. Assessment and methodological framework for the financial requirements to meet MDGs/WSSD targets related to WSS in the South & East Mediterranean and Southeast Europe (ACT-2005-5), Project Description, submitted to MED EUWI Lead Country, April 2004.

9. Strengthening long term sustainable financing for the environment and water resources in the Mediterranean (ACT-2005-6), Concept Paper, submitted to MAP/UNEP, November 2004.

10. African - EUWI Water and Sanitation Country Dialogue, Zambia Report. November 2004.

Logical Framework Analysis and Cost Analysis for MED EUWI Work Programme 2005