Strateau/Aquatool workshop, Valencia, 20/09/2012
The workshop “Tools to support and improve the Integrated Water Resources Management: STRATEAU and AQUATOOL. A Mediterranean Perspective” organised by the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations and the Technical University of Valencia in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean and the Water Embassy took place the 20th of September 2012 in the premises of the Technical University of Valencia (Spain).
This event brought together more than 50 experts from the Mediterranean region, amongst them water managers, professors, researchers, students, representatives of water user organisations, private companies and other stakeholders. This workshop was focused mainly on the applicability of two tools that support the integrated water resources management: AQUATOOL and STRATEAU, developed respectively by the Technical University of Valencia (Spain) and the Water Embassy (France).
In a first place technical overviews on both tools and demonstrations of their practical application have been given. In the following the workshop was organised in three round tables on:
1 – Perspectives and application of the tools in River Basin Organisations
2 – Integrated water resources management in education: STRATEAU and AQUATOOL as examples
3 – Integrated water management tools in the Mediterranean.
Please click here for the programme, a briefing note in English, French and Spanish and the results of the workshop.
Please click here to find all presentations and more pictures of the event.
STRATEAU is a decision making tool that was born from the following idea: anywhere in the world, to find the right solutions, we must ask the right questions. We must first consider all relevant data on the terrain: physical, climatic, social, industrial, etc., from the municipal to the country and regional level. These data are processed by a server that, once analysed, offers comprehensive water management scenarios. In the near future, this server will be hosted by ONEMA (France). STRATEAU was designed for engineering students to reach very quickly the expertise of their elders. Its interface is simple and user‐friendly. The confidentiality of the STRATEAU datarecords is guaranteed. STRATEAU is used in Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine. |