
Brussels is the capital city of the Kingdom of Belgium.

WHO Region: European Region
This map is an approximation of actual country borders


Below are key statistics from WHO’s Global Health Observatory.


The current COVID-19 situation

Data reported to WHO in the last 24 hours. Latest update: .

New confirmed cases
Confirmed cases
Confirmed deaths


Overview of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by date

(country profile will be inserted here)


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Case study: reducing the impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (‎EDCs)‎ on health in Belgium: Mutualités libres
Raising awareness among the general public and policy-makers on how to reduce exposure to health-harming EDCs in people's daily lives.
WHO country cooperation strategy at a glance: Belgium

All countries with a WHO office have a Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS). CCSs are flexible to align with the national health planning cycle (generally...